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The Sanctifying Function of the Church » The Sacraments » Marriage » Pastoral care and those things which must precede the celebration of marriage
Canon 1063. Pastors of souls are obliged to ensure that their own church community provides for Christ’s faithful the assistance by which the married state is preserved in its christian character and develops in perfection. This assistance is to be given principally:

1° by preaching, by catechetical instruction adapted to children, young people and adults, indeed by the use of the means of social communication, so that Christ’s faithful are instructed in the meaning of christian marriage and in the role of christian spouses and parents;

2° by personal preparation for entering marriage, so that the spouses are disposed to the holiness and the obligations of their new state;

3° by the fruitful celebration of the marriage liturgy, so that it clearly emerges that the spouses manifest, and participate in, the mystery of the unity and fruitful love between Christ and the Church;

4° by the help given to those who have entered marriage, so that by faithfully observing and protecting their conjugal covenant, they may day by day achieve a holier and a fuller family life.

Pastores animarum obligatione tenentur curandi ut propria ecclesiastica communitas christifidelibus assistentiam praebeat, qua status matrimonialis in spiritu christiano servetur et in perfectione progrediatur. Haec assistentia imprimis praebenda est:

1° praedicatione, catechesi minoribus, iuvenibus et adultis aptata, immo usu instrumentorum communicationis socialis, quibus christifideles de significatione matrimonii christiani deque munere coniugum ac parentum christianorum instituantur;

2° praeparatione personali ad matrimonium ineundum, qua sponsi ad novi sui status sanctitatem et officia disponantur;

3° fructuosa liturgica matrimonii celebratione, qua eluceat coniuges mysterium unitatis et fecundi amoris inter Christum et Ecclesiam significare atque participare;

4° auxilio coniugatis praestito, ut ipsi foedus coniugale fideliter servantes atque tuentes, ad sanctiorem in dies plenioremque in familia vitam ducendam perveniant.
Canon 1064. It is the responsibility of the local Ordinary to ensure that this assistance is duly organised. If it is considered opportune, he should consult with men and women of proven experience and expertise.

Ordinarii loci est curare ut debite ordinetur eadem assistentia, auditis etiam, si opportunum videatur, viris et mulieribus experientia et peritia probatis.
Canon 1065. §1 Catholics who have not yet received the sacrament of confirmation are to receive it before being admitted to marriage, if this can be done without grave inconvenience.

§2 So that the sacrament of marriage may be fruitfully received, spouses are earnestly recommended that they approach the sacraments of penance and the blessed

§1. Catholici qui sacramentum confirmationis nondum receperint, illud, antequam ad matrimonium admittantur, recipiant, si id fieri possit sine gravi incommodo.

§2. Ut fructuose sacramentum matrimonii recipiatur, enixe sponsis commendatur, ut ad sacramenta paenitentiae et sanctissimae Eucharistiae accedant.
Canon 1066. Before a marriage takes place, it must be established that nothing stands in the way of its valid and lawful celebration.

Antequam matrimonium celebretur, constare debet nihil eius validae ac licitae celebrationi obsistere.
Canon 1067. The Episcopal Conference is to lay down norms concerning the questions to be asked of the parties, the publication of marriage banns, and the other appropriate means of enquiry to be carried out before marriage. Only when he has carefully observed these norms may the parish priest assist at a marriage.

Episcoporum conferentia statuat normas de examine sponsorum, necnon de publicationibus matrimonialibus aliisve opportunis mediis ad investigationes peragendas, quae ante matrimonium necessaria sunt, quibus diligenter observatis, parochus procedere possit ad matrimonio assistendum.
Canon 1068. In danger of death, if other proofs are not available, it suffices, unless there are contrary indications, to have the assertion of the parties, sworn if need be, that they are baptised and free of any impediment.

In periculo mortis, si aliae probationes haberi nequeant, sufficit, nisi contraria adsint indicia, affirmatio contrahentium, si casus ferat etiam iurata, se baptizatos esse et nullo detineri impedimento.
Canon 1069. Before the celebration of a marriage, all the faithful are bound to reveal to the parish priest or the local Ordinary such impediments as they may know about.

Omnes fideles obligatione tenentur impedimenta, si quae norint, parocho aut loci Ordinario, ante matrimonii celebrationem, revelandi.
Canon 1070. If someone other than the parish priest whose function it is to assist at the marriage has made the investigations, he is by an authentic document to inform that parish priest of the outcome of these enquiries as soon as possible.

Si alius quam parochus, cuius est assistere matrimonio, investigationes peregerit, de harum exitu quam primum per authenticum documentum eundem parochum certiorem reddat.
Canon 1071. §1 Except in a case of necessity, no one is to assist without the permission of the local Ordinary at:

1° a marriage of vagi;

2° a marriage which cannot be recognised by the civil law or celebrated in accordance with it;

3° a marriage of a person for whom a previous union has created natural obligations towards a third party or towards children;

4° a marriage of a person who has notoriously rejected the catholic faith;

5° a marriage of a person who is under censure;

6° a marriage of a minor whose parents are either unaware of it or are reasonably opposed to it;

7° a marriage to be entered by proxy, as mentioned in can. 1105.

§2 The local Ordinary is not to give permission to assist at the marriage of a person who has notoriously rejected the Catholic faith unless, with the appropriate adjustments, the norms of can. 1125 have been observed.

§1. Excepto casu necessitatis, sine licentia Ordinarii loci ne quis assistat:

1° matrimonio vagorum;

2° matrimonio quod ad normam legis civilis agnosci vel celebrari nequeat;

3° matrimonio eius qui obligationibus teneatur naturalibus erga aliam partem filiosve ex praecedenti unione ortis;

4° matrimonio eius qui notorie catholicam fidem abiecerit;

5° matrimonio eius qui censura innodatus sit;

6° matrimonio filii familias minoris, insciis aut rationabiliter invitis parentibus;

7° matrimonio per procuratorem ineundo, de quo in can. 1105.

§2. Ordinarius loci licentiam assistendi matrimonio eius qui notorie catholicam fidem abiecerit ne concedat, nisi servatis normis de quibus in can. 1125, congrua congruis referendo.
Canon 1072. Pastors of souls are to see to it that they dissuade young people from entering marriage before the age customarily accepted in the region.

Curent animarum pastores a matrimonii celebratione avertere iuvenes ante aetatem, qua secundum regionis receptos mores matrimonium iniri solet.

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