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The Sanctifying Function of the Church » Other Acts of Divine Worship » Sacramentals
Canon 1166. Sacramentals are sacred signs which in a sense imitate the sacraments.
They signify certain effects, especially spiritual ones, and they achieve these effects through the intercession of the Church.

Sacramentalia sunt signa sacra, quibus, ad aliquam sacramentorum imitationem, effectus praesertim spirituales significantur et ex Ecclesiae impetratione obtinentur.
Canon 1167. §1 Only the Apostolic See can establish new sacramentals, or authentically interpret, suppress or change existing ones.

§2 The rites and the formulae approved by ecclesiastical authority are to be accurately observed when celebrating or administering sacramentals.

§1. Nova sacramentalia constituere aut recepta authentice interpretari, ex eis aliqua abolere aut mutare, sola potest Sedes Apostolica.

§2. In sacramentalibus conficiendis seu administrandis accurate serventur ritus et formulae ab Ecclesiae auctoritate probata.
Canon 1168. The minister of the sacramentals is a cleric who has the requisite power. In accordance with the liturgical books and subject to the judgement of the local
Ordinary, certain sacramentals can also be administered by lay people who possess the appropriate qualities.

Sacramentalium minister est clericus debita potestate instructus; quaedam sacramentalia, ad normam librorum liturgicorum, de iudicio loci Ordinarii, a laicis quoque, congruis qualitatibus praeditis, administrari possunt.
Canon 1169. §1 Consecrations and dedications can be validly carried out by those who are invested with the episcopal character, and by priests who are permitted to do so by law or by legitimate grant.

§2 Any priest can impart blessings, except for those reserved to the Roman Pontiff or to Bishops.

§3 A deacon can impart only those blessings which are expressly permitted to him by law.

§1. Consecrationes et dedicationes valide peragere possunt qui charactere episcopali insigniti sunt, necnon presbyteri quibus iure vel legitima concessione id permittitur.

§2. Benedictiones, exceptis iis quae Romano Pontifici aut Episcopis reservantur, impertire potest quilibet presbyter.

§3. Diaconus illas tantum benedictiones impertire potest, quae ipsi expresse iure permittuntur.
Canon 1170. While blessings are to be imparted primarily to catholics, they may be given also to catechumens and, unless there is a prohibition by the Church, even to non-catholics.

Benedictiones, imprimis impertiendae catholicis, dari possunt catechumenis quoque, immo, nisi obstet Ecclesiae prohibitio, etiam non catholicis.
Canon 1171. Sacred objects, set aside for divine worship by dedication or blessing, are to be treated with reverence. They are not to be made over to secular or inappropriate use, even though they may belong to private persons.

Res sacrae, quae dedicatione vel benedictione ad divinum cultum destinatae sunt, reverenter tractentur nec ad usum profanum vel non proprium adhibeantur, etiamsi in dominio sint privatorum.
Canon 1172. §1 No one may lawfully exorcise the possessed without the special and express permission of the local Ordinary.

§2 This permission is to be granted by the local Ordinary only to a priest who is endowed with piety, knowledge, prudence and integrity of life.

§1. Nemo exorcismos in obsessos proferre legitime potest, nisi ab Ordinario loci peculiarem et expressam licentiam obtinuerit.

§2. Haec licentia ab Ordinario loci concedatur tantummodo presbytero pietate, scientia, prudentia ac vitae integritate praedito.

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