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Sanctions in the Church » Offenses and Penalties in General » Penalties and Other Punishments » Penal remedies and penances
Canon 1339. §1 When someone is in a proximate occasion of committing an offence or when, after an investigation, there is a serious suspicion that an offence has been committed, the Ordinary either personally or through another can give that person warning.

§2 In the case of behaviour which gives rise to scandal or serious disturbance of public order, the Ordinary can also correct the person, in a way appropriate to the particular conditions of the person and of what has been done.

§3 The fact that there has been a warning or a correction must always be proven, at least from some document to be kept in the secret archive of the curia

§4 If on one or more occasions warnings or corrections have been made to someone to no effect, or if it is not possible to expect them to have any effect, the Ordinary is to issue a penal precept in which he sets out exactly what is to be done or avoided.

§5 If the gravity of the case so requires, and especially in a case where someone is in danger of relapsing into an offence, the Ordinary is also to subject the offender, over and above the penalties imposed according to the provision of the law or declared by sentence or decree, to a measure of vigilance determined by means of a singular decree.

§1. Eum, qui versatur in proxima delinquendi occasione, vel in quem, ex investigatione peracta, gravis cadit suspicio delicti commissi, Ordinarius per se vel per alium monere potest.

§2. Eum ex cuius conversatione scandalum vel gravis ordinis perturbatio oriatur, Ordinarius corripere potest, modo peculiaribus personae et facti condicionibus accommodato.

§3. De monitione et correptione constare semper debet saltem ex aliquo documento, quod in secreto curiae archivo servetur.

§4. Si, semel vel pluries, monitiones vel correptiones inutiliter alicui factae sint, vel si ex iis effectus exspectare non liceat, Ordinarius det praeceptum poenale, in quo accurate praescribat quid agendum vel vitandum sit.

§5. Si casus gravitas ferat, ac praesertim si quis versetur in periculo relabendi in delictum, eum Ordinarius, etiam praeter poenas ad normam iuris irrogatas vel declaratas per sententiam vel decretum, submittat vigilantiae modo per decretum singulare determinato.
Canon 1340. §1 A penance, which can be imposed in the external forum, is the performance of some work of religion or piety or charity.

§2 A public penance is never to be imposed for an occult transgression.

§3 According to his prudent judgement, the Ordinary may add penances to the penal remedy of warning or correction.

§1. Paenitentia, quae imponi potest in foro externo, est aliquod religionis vel pietatis vel caritatis opus peragendum.

§2. Ob transgressionem occultam numquam publica imponatur paenitentia.

§3. Paenitentias Ordinarius pro sua prudentia addere potest poenali remedio monitionis vel correptionis.

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