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Sanctions in the Church » Offenses and Penalties in General » The Remission of Penalties and the Prescription of Actions
Canon 1354. §1 Besides those who are enumerated in can. 1355-1356, all who can dispense from a law which is supported by a penalty, or excuse from a precept which threatens a penalty, can also remit the penalty itself.

§2 Moreover, a law or precept which establishes a penalty can also grant to others the power of remitting the penalty.

§3 If the Apostolic See has reserved the remission of a penalty to itself or to others, the reservation is to be strictly interpreted.

§1. Praeter eos, qui in can. 1355‑1356 recensentur, omnes, qui a lege, quae poena munita est, dispensare possunt vel a praecepto poenam comminanti eximere, possunt etiam eam poenam remittere.

§2. Potest praeterea lex vel praeceptum, poenam constituens, aliis quoque potestatem facere remittendi.

§3. Si Apostolica Sedes poenae remissionem sibi vel aliis reservaverit, reservatio stricte est interpretanda.
Canon 1355. §1 Provided it is not reserved to the Apostolic See, a penalty established by law which is ferendae sententiae and has been imposed, or which is latae sententiae and has been declared, can be remitted by the following:

1° the Ordinary who initiated the judicial proceedings to impose or declare the penalty, or who by a decree, either personally or through another, imposed or declared it;

2° the Ordinary of the place where the offender actually is, after consulting the Ordinary mentioned in n. 1, unless because of extraordinary circumstances this is impossible.

§2 Provided it is not reserved to the Apostolic See, a penalty established by law which is latae sententiae and has not yet been declared can be remitted by the following:

1° the Ordinary in respect of his subjects;

2° the Ordinary of the place also in respect of those actually in his territory or of those who committed the offence in his territory;

3° any Bishop, but only in the course of sacramental confession.

§1. Poenam lege constitutam, quae sit ferendae sententiae irrogata vel latae sententiae declarata, dummodo non sit Apostolicae Sedi reservata, remittere possunt:

1° Ordinarius, qui iudicium ad poenam irrogandam vel declarandam promovit vel decreto eam per se vel per alium irrogavit vel declaravit;

2° Ordinarius loci in quo delinquens versatur, consulto tamen, nisi propter extraordinarias circumstantias impossibile sit, Ordinario, de quo sub n. 1.

§2. Poenam lege constitutam, quae sit latae sententiae nondum declarata et dummodo non sit Apostolicae Sedi reservata, remittere possunt:

1° Ordinarius suis subditis;

2° Ordinarius loci etiam iis qui in ipsius territorio versantur vel ibi deliquerint;

3° quilibet Episcopus in actu tamen sacramentalis confessionis.
Canon 1356. — §1 A ferendae or a latae sententiae penalty established in a precept not issued by the Apostolic See, can be remitted by the following:

1° the author of the precept;

2° the Ordinary who initiated the judicial proceedings to impose or declare the penalty, or who by a decree, either personally or through another, imposed or declared it;

3° the Ordinary of the place where the offender actually is.

§2 Before the remission is granted, the author of the precept, or the one who imposed or declared the penalty, is to be consulted, unless because of extraordinary circumstances this is impossible.

§1. Poenam ferendae vel latae sententiae constitutam praecepto quod non sit ab Apostolica Sede latum, remittere possunt:

1° praecepti auctor;

2° Ordinarius qui iudicium ad poenam irrogandam vel declarandam promovit vel decreto eam per se vel per alium irrogavit vel declaravit;

3° Ordinarius loci, in quo delinquens versatur.

§2. Antequam remissio fiat, consulendus est, nisi propter extraordinarias circumstantias impossibile sit, praecepti auctor, vel qui poenam irrogavit vel declaravit.
Canon 1357. §1 Without prejudice to the provisions of cann. 508 and 976, a confessor can in the internal sacramental forum remit a latae sententiae censure of excommunication or interdict which has not been declared, if it is difficult for the penitent to remain in a state of grave sin for the time necessary for the competent Superior to provide.

§2 In granting the remission, the confessor is to impose upon the penitent, under pain of again incurring the censure, the obligation to have recourse within one month to the competent Superior or to a priest having the requisite faculty, and to abide by his instructions. In the meantime, the confessor is to impose an appropriate penance and, to the extent demanded, to require reparation of scandal and harm. The recourse, however, may be made even through the confessor, without mention of a name.

§3 The same duty of recourse, when the danger has ceased, binds those who in accordance with can. 976 have had remitted an imposed or declared censure or one reserved to the Holy See.

§1. Firmis praescriptis can. 508 et 976, censuram latae sententiae excommunicationis vel interdicti non declaratam confessarius remittere potest in foro interno sacramentali, si paenitenti durum sit in statu gravis peccati permanere per tempus necessarium ut Superior competens provideat.

§2. In remissione concedenda confessarius paenitenti onus iniungat recurrendi intra mensem sub poena reincidentiae ad Superiorem competentem vel ad sacerdotem facultate praeditum, et standi huius mandatis; interim imponat congruam paenitentiam et, quatenus urgeat, scandali et damni reparationem; recursus autem fieri potest etiam per confessarium, sine nominis mentione.

§3. Eodem onere recurrendi tenentur, cessante periculo, ii quibus ad normam can. 976 remissa est censura irrogata vel declarata vel Sedi Apostolicae reservata.
Canon 1358. §1 The remission of a censure cannot be granted except to an offender whose contempt has been purged in accordance with can. 1347 §2. However, once the contempt
has been purged, the remission cannot be refused, without prejudice to the provision of can. 1361 §4.

§2 The one who remits a censure can make provision in accordance with can. 1348, and can also impose a penance.

§1. Remissio censurae dari non potest nisi delinquenti qui a contumacia, ad normam can. 1347,§2, recesserit; recedenti autem denegari nequit, salvo praescripto can. 1361,§4.

§2. Qui censuram remittit, potest ad normam can. 1348 providere vel etiam paenitentiam imponere.
Canon 1359. If one is bound by a number of penalties, a remission is valid only for those penalties expressed in it. A general remission, however, removes all penalties, except those which in the petition the offender concealed in bad faith.

Si quis pluribus poenis detineatur, remissio valet tantummodo pro poenis in ipsa expressis; generalis autem remissio omnes aufert poenas, iis exceptis quas in petitione delinquens mala fide reticuerit.
Canon 1360. The remission of a penalty extorted by force or grave fear or deceit is invalid by virtue of the law itself.

Remissio poenae vi aut metu gravi aut dolo extorta ipso iure irrita est.
Canon 1361. §1 A remission can be granted even to a person who is not present, or conditionally.

§2 A remission in the external forum is to be granted in writing, unless a grave reason suggests otherwise.

§3 The petition for remission or the remission itself is not to be made public, except in so far as this would either be useful for the protection of the good name of the offender, or be necessary to repair scandal.

§4 Remission must not be granted until, in the prudent judgement of the Ordinary, the offender has repaired any harm caused. The offender may be urged to make such reparation or restitution by one of the penalties mentioned in can. 1336 §§2-4; the same applies also when the offender is granted remission of a censure under can. 1358 §1.

§1. Remissio dari potest etiam absenti vel sub condicione.

§2. Remissio in foro externo detur scripto, nisi gravis causa aliud suadeat.

§3. Remissionis petitio vel ipsa remissio ne divulgetur, nisi quatenus id vel utile sit ad rei famam tuendam vel necessarium ad scandalum reparandum.

§4. Remissio dari non debet donec, prudenti arbitrio Ordinarii, damnum forte illatum reus reparaverit; qui ad hanc reparationem vel restitutionem urgeri potest per unam ex poenis de quibus in can. 1336, §§2-4, quod valet etiam cum illi censura remittitur ad normam can. 1358,§1.
Canon 1362. §1 A criminal action is extinguished by prescription after three years, except for:

1° offences reserved to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which are subject to special norms;

2° without prejudice to n. 1, an action arising from any of the offences mentioned in cann.
1376, 1377, 1378, 1393 §1, 1394, 1395, 1397, or 1398 §2, which is extinguished after seven years, or one arising from the offences mentioned in can. 1398 §1, which is extinguished after twenty years;

3° offences not punished by the universal law, where a particular law has prescribed a different period of prescription.

§2 Prescription, unless provided otherwise in a law, runs from the day the offence was committed or, if the offence was enduring or habitual, from the day it ceased.

§3 When the offender has been summoned in accordance with can. 1723, or informed in the manner provided in can. 1507 §3 of the presentation of the petition of accusation according to can. 1721 §1, prescription of the criminal action is suspended for three years; once this period has expired or the suspension has been interrupted through the cessation
of the penal process, time runs once again and is added to the period of prescription which has already elapsed. The same suspension equally applies if, observing can. 1720 n. 1, the procedure is followed for imposing or declaring a penalty by way of an extra- judicial decree.

§1. Actio criminalis praescriptione extinguitur triennio, nisi agatur:

1° de delictis Congregationi pro Doctrina Fidei reservatis, quae normis specialibus subiciuntur;

2° firmo praescripto n. 1, de actione ob delicta de quibus in can. 1376, 1377, 1378, 1393,§1, 1394, 1395, 1397, 1398,§2, quae septennio praescribitur, vel de ea ob delicta de quibus in can. 1398,§1, quae viginti annorum spatio praescribitur;

3° de delictis quae non sunt iure communi punita, si lex particularis alium praescriptionis terminum statuerit.

§2. Praescriptio, nisi aliud in lege statuatur, decurrit ex die quo delictum patratum est, vel, si delictum sit permanens vel habituale, ex die quo cessavit.

§3. Reo ad normam can. 1723 citato vel modo praeviso in can. 1507,§3, certiore facto de exhibitione accusationis libelli iuxta can. 1721,§1, praescriptio actionis criminalis suspenditur per tres annos, quo termino elapso vel interrupta suspensione, cessationis processus poenalis causa, rursus currit tempus, quod adiungitur ad illud iam decursum pro praescriptione. Eadem suspensio pariter viget si, servato can. 1720, n. 1, ad poenam irrogandam vel declarandam per decretum extra iudicium procedatur.
Canon 1363. §1 An action to execute a penalty is extinguished by prescription if the judge’s decree of execution mentioned in can. 1651 was not notified to the offender within the periods mentioned in can. 1362; these periods are to be reckoned from the day the condemnatory judgement became an adjudged matter.

§2 The same applies, with the necessary adjustments, if the penalty was imposed by an extra-judicial decree.

§1. Si intra terminos de quibus in can. 1362, ex die quo sententia condemnatoria in rem iudicatam transierit computandos, non sit reo notificatum exsecutorium iudicis decretum de quo in can. 1651, actio ad poenam exsequendam praescriptione extinguitur.

§2. Idem valet, servatis servandis, si poena per decretum extra iudicium irrogata sit.

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