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The People of God » The Christian Faithful » Sacred Ministers or Clerics » The Formation of Clerics
Canon 232. It is the duty and the proper and exclusive right of the Church to train those who are deputed to sacred ministries.

Ecclesia officium est atque ius proprium et exclusivum eos instituendi, qui ad ministeria sacra deputantur.
Canon 233. §1 It is the duty of the whole christian community to foster vocations so that the needs of the sacred ministry are sufficiently met in the entire Church. In particular, this duty binds christian families, educa tors and, in a special way, priests, especially parish priests. DiocesanBishops, who must show the greatest concern to promote vocations, are to instruct the people entrusted to them on the importance of
the sacred ministry and the need for ministers in the Church. They are to encourage and support initiatives to promote vocations, especially movements established for this purpose.

§2 Moreover, priests and especially diocesan Bishops are to be solicitous that men of more mature years who believe they are called to the sacred ministries are prudently assisted by word and deed and are duly prepared.

§1. Universae communitati christianae officium incumbit fovendarum vocationum, ut necessitatibus ministerii sacri in tota Ecclesia sufficienter provideatur; speciatim hoc officio tenentur familiae christianae, educatores atque peculiari ratione sacerdotes, praesertim parochi. Episcopi dioecesani, quorum maxime est de vocationibus provehendis curam habere, populum sibi commissum de momento ministerii sacri deque ministrorum in Ecclesia necessitate edoceant, atque incepta ad vocationes fovendas, operibus praesertim ad hoc institutis, suscitent ac sustentent.

§2. Solliciti sint insuper sacerdotes, praesertim vero Episcopi dioecesani, ut qui maturioris aetatis viri ad ministeria sacra sese vocatos aestiment, prudenter verbo opereque adiuventur ac debite praeparentur.
Canon 234. §1 Minor seminaries and other institutions of a similar nature promote vocations by providing a special religious formation, allied to human and scientific education- where they exist, they are to be retained and fostered. Indeed, where the diocesan Bishop considers it expedient, he is to provide for the establishment of a minor seminary or similar institution.

§2 Unless the circumstances of certain situations suggest otherwise, young men who aspire to the priesthood are to receive that same human and scientific formation which prepares their peers in their region for higher studies.

§1. Serventur, ubi exsistunt, atque foveantur Seminaria minora aliave instituta id genus, in quibus nempe, vocationum fovendarum gratia, provideatur ut peculiaris formatio religiosa una cum institutione humanistica et scientifica tradatur; immo ubi id expedire iudicaverit Episcopus dioecesanus, seminarii minoris similisve instituti erectioni prospiciat.

§2. Nisi certis in casibus adiuncta suadeant, iuvenes quibus animus est ad sacerdotium ascendere, ea ornentur humanistica et scientifica formatione, qua iuvenes in sua quisque regione ad studia superiora peragenda praeparantur.
Canon 235. §1 Young men who intend to become priests are to receive the appropriate religious formation and instruction in the duties proper to the priesthood in a major seminary, for the whole of the time of formation or, if in the judgement of the diocesan Bishop circumstances require it, for at least four years.

§2 Those who lawfully reside outside the seminary are to be entrusted by the diocesan Bishop to a devout and suitable priest, who will ensure that they are carefully formed in the spiritual life and in discipline.

§1. Iuvenes, qui ad sacerdotium accedere intendunt, ad formationem spiritualem convenientem et ad officia propria instituantur in seminario maiore per totum formationis tempus, aut, si adiuncta de iudicio Episcopi dioecesani id postulent, per quattuor saltem annos.

§2. Qui extra seminarium legitime morantur, ab Episcopo dioecesano commendentur pio et idoneo sacerdoti, qui invigilet ut ad vitam spiritualem et ad disciplinam sedulo efformentur.
Canon 236. Those who aspire to the permanent diaconate are to be formed in the spiritual life and appropriately instructed in the fulfilment of the duties proper to that order, in accordance with the provisions made by the Episcopal Conference:

1° young men are to reside for at least three years in a special houseunless the diocesan Bishop for grave reasons decides otherwise,

2° men of more mature years, whether celibate or married, are toprepare for three years in a manner determined by the same Episcopal Conference.

Aspirantes ad diaconatum permanentem secundum Episcoporum conferentiae praescripta ad vitam spiritualem alendam informentur atque ad officia eidem ordini propria rite adimplenda instruantur:

1° iuvenes per tres saltem annos in aliqua domo peculiari degentes, nisi graves ob rationes Episcopus dioecesanus aliter statuerit;

2° maturioris aetatis viri, sive caelibes sive coniugati, ratione ad tres annos protracta et ab eadem Episcoporum conferentia definita.
Canon 237. §1 Where it is possible and advisable, each diocese is to have a major seminary; otherwise, students preparing for the sacred ministries are to be sent to the seminary of another diocese, or an inter-diocesan seminary is to be established.

§2 An interdiocesan seminary is not to be erected unless the conference of bishops, if the seminary is for its entire territory, or the bishops involved have obtained the prior confirmation of the Apostolic See for both the erection of the seminary and its statutes.

[revised wording according to m.p. Competentias quasdam decernere, 11.II.2022]

§1. In singulis dioecesibus sit seminarium maius, ubi id fieri possit atque expediat; secus concredantur alumni, qui ad sacra ministeria sese praeparent, alieno seminario aut erigatur seminarium interdioecesanum.

§2. Seminarium interdioecesanum ne erigatur nisi prius confirmatio Apostolicae Sedis, tum ipsius seminarii erectionis tum eiusdem statutorum, obtenta fuerit, et quidem ab Episcoporum conferentia, si agatur de seminario pro universo eius territorio, secus ab Episcopis quorum interest.
Canon 238. §1 Seminaries which are lawfully established have juridical personality in the Church by virtue of the law itself.

§2 In the conduct of all its affairs, the rector acts in the person of the seminary, unless for certain matters the competent authority has prescribed otherwise.

§1. Seminaria legitime erecta ipso iure personalitate iuridica in Ecclesia gaudent.

§2. In omnibus negotiis pertractandis personam seminarii gerit eius rector, nisi de certis negotiis auctoritas competens aliud statuerit.
Canon 239. §1 In all seminaries there is to be a rector who presides over it, a vice-rector, if circumstances warrant this, and a financial administrator. Moreover, if the students follow their studies in the seminary, there are to be professors who teach the various subjects in a manner suitably coordinated between them.

§2 In every seminary there is to be at least one spiritual director, though the students are also free to approach other priests who have been deputed to this work by the Bishop.

§3 The seminary statutes are to determine the manner in which the other moderators, the professors and indeed the students themselves, are to participate in the rector’s responsibility, especially in regard to the maintenance of discipline.

§1. In quolibet seminario habeantur rector, qui ei praesit, et si casus ferat vice-rector, oeconomus, atque si alumni in ipso seminario studiis se dedant, etiam magistri, qui varias disciplinas tradant apta ratione inter se compositas.

§2. In quolibet seminario unus saltem adsit spiritus director, relicta libertate alumnis adeundi alios sacerdotes, qui ad hoc munus ab Episcopo deputati sint.

§3. Seminarii statutis provideantur rationes, quibus curam rectoris, in disciplina praesertim servanda, participent ceteri moderatores, magistri, immo et ipsi alumni.
Canon 240. §1 Besides ordinary confessors, other confessors are to come regularly to the seminary; while maintaining seminary discipline, the students are always to be free to approach any confessor, whether inside or outside the seminary.

§2 In deciding about the admission of students to orders, or their dismissal from the seminary, the vote of the spiritual director and the confessors may never be sought.

§1. Praeter confessarios ordinarios, alii regulariter ad seminarium accedant confessarii, atque, salva quidem seminarii disciplina, integrum semper sit alumnis quemlibet confessarium sive in seminario sive extra illud adire.

§2. In decisionibus ferendis de alumnis ad ordines admittendis aut e seminario dimittendis, numquam directoris spiritus et confessariorum votum exquiri potest.
Canon 241. §1 The diocesan Bishop is to admit to the major seminary only those whose human, moral, spiritual and intellectual gifts, as well as physical and psychological health and right intention, show that they are capable of dedicating themselves permanently to the sacred ministries.

§2 Before they are accepted, they must submit documentation of their baptism and confirmation, and whatever else is required by the provisions of the Charter of Priestly Formation.

§3 If there is question of admitting those who have been dismissed from another seminary or religious institute, there is also required the testimony of the respective superior, especially concerning the reason for their dismissal or departure.

§1. Ad seminarium maius ab Episcopo dioecesano admittantur tantummodo ii qui, attentis eorum dotibus humanis et moralibus, spiritualibus et intellectualibus, eorum valetudine physica et psychica necnon recta voluntate, habiles aestimantur qui ministeriis sacris perpetuo sese dedicent.

§2. Antequam recipiantur, documenta exhibere debent de susceptis baptismo et confirmatione aliaque quae, secundum praescripta institutionis sacerdotalis Rationis requiruntur.

§3. Si agatur de iis admittendis, qui ex alieno seminario vel instituto religioso dimissi fuerint, requiritur insuper testimonium respectivi superioris praesertim de causa eorum dimissionis vel discessus.
Canon 242. §1 Each nation is to have a programme of priestly formation which is to be established by the conference of bishops, attentive to the norms issued by the supreme authority of the Church, and which is to be confirmed by the Holy See. This programme is to be adapted to new circumstances, also with the confirmation of the Holy See, and is to define the main principles of the instruction to be given in the seminary and general norms adapted to the pastoral needs of each region or province.
[revised wording according to m.p. Competentias quasdam decernere, 11.II.2022]

§2 The norms of the Charter mentioned in §1 are to be observed in all seminaries, whether diocesan or inter-diocesan.

§1. In singulis nationibus habeatur institutionis sacerdotalis Ratio, ab Episcoporum conferentia, attentis quidem normis a suprema Ecclesiae auctoritate latis, statuenda et a Sancta Sede confirmanda, novis quoque adiunctis, confirmante item Sancta Sede, accommodanda, qua institutionis in seminario tradendae definiantur summa principia atque normae generales necessitatibus pastoralibus uniuscuiusque regionis vel provinciale, aptatae.

§2. Normae Rationis, de qua in §1, serventur in omnibus seminariis, tum dioecesanis tum interdioecesanis.
Canon 243. In addition, each seminary is to have its own rule, approved by the diocesan Bishop or, in the case of an inter-diocesan seminary, by the Bishops concerned. In this, the norms of the Charter of Priestly Formation are to be adapted to the particular circumstances and developed in greater detail, especially on points of discipline affecting the daily life of the students and the good order of the entire seminary.

Habeat insuper unumquodque seminarium ordinationem propriam, ab Episcopo dioecesano aut, si de seminario interdioecesano agatur, ab Episcopis quorum interest, probatam, qua normae institutionis sacerdotalis Rationis adiunctis particularibus accommodentur, ac pressius determinentur praesertim disciplinae capita quae ad alumnorum cotidianam vitam et totius seminarii ordinem spectant.
Canon 244. The spiritual formation and the doctrinal instruction of the students in a seminary are to be harmoniously blended. They are to be so planned that the students, each according to his talents, simultaneously develop the requisite human maturity and acquire the spirit of the Gospel and a close relationship with Christ.

Alumnorum in seminario formatio spiritualis et institutio doctrinalis harmonice componantur, atque ad id ordinentur, ut iidem iuxta uniuscuiusque indolem una cum debita maturitate humana spiritum Evangelii et arctam cum Christo necessitudinem acquirant.
Canon 245. §1 Through their spiritual formation students are to be fitted for the fruitful exercise of the pastoral ministry, and are to be inculcated with a sense of mission. They are to learn that a ministry which is always exercised with lively faith and charity contributes effectively to their personal sanctification. They are to learn to cultivate those virtues which are highly valued in human relationships, in such a way that they can arrive at an appropriate harmony between human and supernatural values.

§2 Students are to be so trained that, filled with love for Christ’s Church, they are linked to the Roman Pontiff, the successor of Peter, in humble and filial charity, to their own Bishop as his faithful co-workers and to their brethren in friendly cooperation. Through the common life in the seminary, and by developing relationships of friendship and of association with others, they are to be prepared for the fraternal unity of the diocesan presbyterium, in whose service of the Church they will share.

§1. Per formationem spiritualem alumni idonei fiant ad ministerium pastorale fructuose exercendum et ad spiritum missionalem efformentur, discentes ministerium expletum semper in fide viva et in caritate ad propriam sanctificationem conferre; itemque illas excolere discant virtutes quae in hominum consortione pluris fiunt, ita quidem ut ad aptam conciliationem inter bona humana et supernaturalia pervenire valeant.

§2. Ita formentur alumni ut, amore Ecclesiae Christi imbuti, Pontifici Romano Petri successori humili et filiali caritate devinciantur, proprio Episcopo tamquam fidi cooperatores adhaereant et sociam cum fratribus operam praestent; per vitam in seminario communem atque per amicitiae coniunctionisque necessitudinem cum aliis excultam praeparentur ad fraternam unionem cum dioecesano presbyterio, cuius in Ecclesiae servitio erunt consortes.
Canon 246. §1 The celebration of the Eucharist is to be the centre of the whole life of the seminary, so that the students, participating in the very charity of Christ, may daily draw strength of soul for their apostolic labour and for their spiritual life particularly from this richest of sources.

§2 They are to be formed in the celebration of the liturgy of the hours, by which the ministers of God, in the name of the Church, intercede with Him for all the people entrusted to them, and indeed for the whole world.

§3 Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, including the rosary, mental prayer and other exercises of piety are to be fostered, so that the students may acquire the spirit of prayer and be strengthened in their vocation.

§4 The students are to become accustomed to approach the sacrament of penance frequently. It is recommended that each should have a director of his spiritual life, freely chosen, to whom he can trustfully reveal his conscience.

§5 Each year the students are to make a spiritual retreat.

§1. Celebratio Eucharistica centrum sit totius vitae seminarii, ita ut cotidie alumni, ipsam Christi caritatem participantes, animi robur pro apostolico labore et pro vita sua spirituali praesertim ex hoc ditissimo fonte hauriant.

§2. Efformentur ad celebrationem liturgiae horarum, qua Dei ministri, nomine Ecclesiae pro toto populo sibi commisso, immo pro universo mundo, Deum deprecantur.

§3. Foveantur cultus Beatae Mariae Virginis etiam per mariale rosarium, oratio mentalis aliaque pietatis exercitia, quibus alumni spiritum orationis acquirant atque vocationis suae robur consequantur.

§4. Ad sacramentum paenitentiae frequenter accedere assuescant alumni, et commendatur ut unusquisque habeat moderatorem suae vitae spiritualis libere quidem electum, cui confidenter conscientiam aperire possit.

§5. Singulis annis alumni exercitiis spiritualibus vacent.
Canon 247. §1 By appropriate instruction they are to be prepared to observe celibacy and to learn to hold it in honour as a special gift of God.

§2 The students are to be given all the requisite knowledge concerning the duties and burdens which are proper to the sacred ministers of the Church, concealing none of the difficulties of the priestly life.

§1. Ad servandum statum caelibatus congrua educatione praeparentur, eumque ut peculiare Dei donum in honore habere discant.

§2. De officiis et oneribus quae ministris sacris Ecclesiae propria sunt, alumni debite reddantur certiores, nulla vitae sacerdotalis difficultate reticita.
Canon 248. The doctrinal formation given is to be so directed that the students may acquire a wide and solid teaching in the sacred sciences, together with a general culture which is appropriate to the needs of place and time. As a result, with their own faith founded on and nourished by this teaching, they ought to be able properly to proclaim the Gospel to the people of their own time, in a fashion suited to the manner of the people’s thinking.

Institutio doctrinalis tradenda eo spectat, ut alumni, una cum cultura generali necessitatibus loci ac temporis consentanea, amplam atque solidam acquirant in disciplinis sacris doctrinam, ita ut, propria fide ibi fundata et inde nutrita, Evangelii doctrinam hominibus sui temporis apte, ratione eorundem ingenio accommodata, nuntiare valeant.
Canon 249. The Charter of Priestly Formation is to provide that the students are not only taught their native language accurately, but are also well versed in latin, and have a suitable knowledge of other languages which would appear to be necessary or useful for their formation or for the exercise of their pastoral ministry.

Institutionis sacerdotalis Ratione provideatur ut alumni non tantum accurate linguam patriam edoceantur, sed etiam linguam latinam bene calleant necnon congruam habeant cognitionem alienarum linguarum, quarum scientia ad eorum formationem aut ad ministerium pastorale exercendum necessaria vel utilis videatur.
Canon 250. The philosophical and theological studies which are organised in the seminary itself may be conducted either in succession or conjointly, in accordance with the Charter of Priestly Formation. These studies are to take at least six full years, in such a way that the time given to philosophical studies amounts to two full years and that allotted to theological studies to four full years.

Quae in ipso seminario philosophica et theologica studia ordinantur, aut successive aut coniuncte peragi possunt, iuxta institutionis sacerdotalis Rationem; eadem completum saltem sexennium complectantur, ita quidem ut tempus philosophicis disciplinis dedicandum integrum biennium, studiis vero theologicis integrum quadriennium adaequet.
Canon 251. Philosophical formation must be based on the philosophical heritage that is perennially valid, and it is also to take account of philosophical investigations over the course of time. It is to be so given that it furthers the human formation of the students, sharpens their mental edge and makes them more fitted to engage in theological studies.

Philosophica institutio, quae innixa sit oportet patrimonio philosophico perenniter valido, et rationem etiam habeat philosophicae investigationis progredientis aetatis, ita tradatur, ut alumnorum formationem humanam perficiat, mentis aciem provehat, eosque ad studia theologica peragenda aptiores reddat.
Canon 252. §1 Theological formation, given in the light of faith and under the guidance of the magisterium, is to be imparted in such a way that the students learn the whole of catholic teaching, based on divine Revelation, that they make it a nourishment of
their own spiritual lives, and that in the exercise of the ministry they may be able properly to proclaim and defend it.

§2 Students are to be instructed with special care in sacred Scripture, so that they may acquire an insight into the whole of sacred Scripture.

§3 Lectures are to be given in dogmatic theology, based always on the written word of God and on sacred Tradition; through them the students are to learn to penetrate more deeply into the mysteries of salvation, with St. Thomas in particular as their teacher. Lectures are also to be given in moral and pastoral theology, canon law, liturgy, ecclesiastical history, and other auxiliary and special disciplines, in accordance with the provisions of the Charter on Priestly Formation.

§1. Institutio theologica, in lumine fidei, sub Magisterii ductu, ita impertiatur, ut alumni integram doctrinam catholicam, divina Revelatione innixam, cognoscant, propriae vitae spiritualis reddant alimentum eamque, in ministerio exercendo, rite annuntiare ac tueri valeant.

§2. In sacra Scriptus peculiari diligentia erudiantur alumni, ita ut totius sacrae Scripturae conspectum acquirant.

§3. Lectiones habeantur theologiae dogmaticae, verbo Dei scripto una cum sacra Traditione semper innixae, quarum ope alumni mysteria salutis, s. Thoma praesertim magistro, intimius penetrare addiscant, itemque lectiones theologiae moralis et pastoralis, iuris canonici, liturgiae, historiae ecclesiasticae, necnon aliarum disciplinarum, auxiliarium atque specialium, ad normam praescriptorum institutionis sacerdotalis Rationis.
Canon 253. §1 The Bishop or the Bishops concerned are to appoint as teachers in philosophical, theological and juridical subjects only those who are of outstanding virtue and have a doctorate or a licentiate from a university or faculty recognised by the Holy See.

§2 Care is to be taken that different professors are appointed for sacred Scripture, dogmatic theology, moral theology, liturgy, philosophy, canon law and church history, and for other disciplines which are to be taught by their own distinctive methods.

§3 A professor who seriously fails in his or her duty is to be removed by the authority mentioned in §1.

§1. Ad magistri munus in disciplinis philosophicis, theologicis et iuridicis, ab Episcopo aut ab Episcopis, quorum interest, ii tantum nominentur qui, virtutibus praestantes, laurea doctorali aut licentia potiti sunt in universitate studiorum aut facultate a Sancta Sede recognita.

§2. Curetur ut distincti totidem nominentur magistri qui doceant sacram Scripturam, theologiam dogmaticam, theologiam moralem, liturgiam, philosophiam, ius canonicum, historiam ecclesiasticam, aliasque, quae propria methodo tradendae sunt, disciplinas.

§3. Magister qui a munere suo graviter deficiat, ab auctoritate, de qua in §1, amoveatur.
Canon 254. §1 In their lectures, the professors are to be continuously attentive to the intimate unity and harmony of the entire doctrine of faith, so that the students are aware that they are learning one science. To ensure this, there is to be someone in the seminary who is in charge of the overall organisation of studies.

§2 The students are to be taught in such a way that they themselves are enabled to research various questions in the scientific way appropriate to each question. There are, therefore, to be assignments in which, under the guidance of the professors, the students learn to work out certain subjects by their own efforts.

§1. Magistri in disciplinis tradendis de intima universae doctrinae fidei unitate et harmonia iugiter solliciti sint, ut unam scientiam alumni se discere experiantur; quo aptius id obtineatur, adsit in seminario qui integram studiorum ordinationem moderetur.

§2. Ita alumni edoceantur, ut et ipsi habiles fiant ad quaestiones aptis investigationibus propriis et scientifica methodo examinandas; habeantur igitur exercitationes, in quibus, sub moderamine magistrorum, alumni proprio labore studia quaedam persolvere discant.
Canon 255. Although the whole formation of students in the seminary has a pastoral purpose, a specifically pastoral formation is also to be provided there; in this the students are to learn the principles and the techniques which, according to the needs of place and time, are relevant to the ministry of teaching, sanctifying and ruling the people of God.

Licet universa alumnorum in seminario formatio pastoralem finem persequatur, institutio stricte pastoralis in eodem ordinetur, qua alumni principia et artes addiscant quae, attentis quoque loci ac temporis necessitatibus, ad ministerium Dei populum docendi, sanctificandi et regendi exercendum pertineant.
Canon 256. §1 Students are to be carefully instructed in whatever especially pertains to the sacred ministry, particularly in catechetics and homiletics, in divine worship and in a special way in the celebration of the sacraments, in dealing with people,
including non-catholics and unbelievers, in parish administration and in the fulfilment of other tasks.

§2 The students are to be instructed about the needs of the universal Church, so that they may have a solicitude for encouraging vocations, for missionary and ecumenical questions, and for other pressing matters, including social problems.

§1. Diligenter instruantur alumni in iis quae peculiari ratione ad sacrum ministerium spectant, praesertim in arte catechetica et homiletica exercenda, in cultu divino peculiarique modo in sacramentis celebrandis, in commercio cum hominibus, etiam non catholicis vel non credentibus, habendo, in paroecia administranda atque in ceteris muneribus adimplendis.

§2. Edoceantur alumni de universae Ecclesiae necessitatibus, ita ut sollicitudinem habeant de vocationibus promovendis, de quaestionibus missionalibus, oecumenicis necnon de aliis, socialibus quoque, urgentioribus.
Canon 257. §1 The formation of students is to ensure that they are concerned not only for the particular Church in which they are incardinated, but also for the universal Church, and that they are ready to devote themselves to particular Churches which are beset by grave need.

§2 The diocesan Bishop is to ensure that clerics who intend to move from their own particular Church to a particular Church in another region, are suitably prepared to exercise the sacred ministry there, that is, that they learn the language of the region, and have an understanding of its institutions, social conditions, usages and customs.

§1. Alumnorum institutioni ita provideatur, ut non tantum Ecclesiae particularis in cuius servitio incardinentur, sed universae quoque Ecclesiae sollicitudinem habeant, atque paratos se exhibeant Ecclesiis particularibus, quarum gravis urgeat necessitas, sese devovere.

§2. Curet Episcopus dioecesanus ut clerici, a propria Ecclesia particulari ad Ecclesiam particularem alterius regionis transmigrare intendentes, apte praeparentur ad ibidem sacrum ministerium exercendum, ut scilicet et linguam regionis addiscant, et eiusdem institutorum, condicionum socialium, usuum et consuetudinem intellegentiam habeant.
Canon 258. In order that the students may also by practice learn the art of exercising the apostolate, they are in the course of their studies, and especially during holiday time, to be initiated into pastoral practice by suitable assignments, always under the supervision of an experienced priest. These assignments, appropriate to the age of the student and the conditions of the place, are to be determined by the Ordinary.

Ut apostolatus exercendi artem in opere ipso etiam addiscant, alumni, studiorum curriculo decurrente, praeserti vero feriarum tempore, praxi pastorali initientur per opportunas, sub moderamine semper sacerdotis periti, exercitationes, alumnorum aetati et locorum condicioni aptatas, de iudicio Ordinarii determinandas.
Canon 259. §1 It belongs to the diocesan Bishop or, in the case of an inter-diocesan seminary, to the Bishops concerned to determine those matters which concern the overall control and administration of the seminary.

§2 The diocesan Bishop or, in the case of an inter-diocesan seminary, the Bishops concerned, are frequently to visit the seminary in person. They are to oversee the formation of their students, and the philosophical and theological instruction given in the seminary. They are to inform themselves about the vocation, character, piety and progress of the students, in view particularly to the conferring of sacred orders.

§1. Episcopo dioecesano aut, si de seminario interdioecesano agatur, Episcopis quorum interest, competit, quae ad seminarii superius regimen et administrationem spectant, decernere.

§2. Episcopus dioecesanus aut, si de seminario interdioecesano agatur, Episcopi quorum interest, frequenter seminarium ipsi visitent, in formationem suorum alumnorum necnon in institutionem, quae in eodem tradatur, philosophicam et theologicam invigilent, et de alumnorum vocatione, indole, pietate ac profectu cognitionem sibi comparent, maxime intuitu sacrarum ordinationum conferendarum.
Canon 260. In the fulfilment of their duties, all must obey the rector, who is responsible for the day to day direction of the seminary, in accordance with the norms of the Charter of Priestly Formation and the rule of the seminary.

Rectori, cuius est cotidianum moderamen curare seminarii, ad normam quidem institutionis sacerdotalis Rationis ac seminarii ordinationis, omnes in propriis muneribus adimplendis obtemperare debent.
Canon 261. §1 The rector of the seminary is to ensure that the students faithfully observe the norms of the Charter of Priestly Formation and the rule of the seminary; under his authority, and according to their different positions, the moderators and professors have the same responsibility.

§1. Seminarii rector itemque, sub eiusdem auctoritate, moderatores et magistri pro parte sua curent ut alumni normas Ratione institutionis sacerdotalis necnon seminarii ordinatione praescriptas adamussim servent.

§2. Sedulo provideant seminarii rector atque studiorum moderatur ut magistri suo munere rite fungantur, secundum praescripta Rationis institutionis sacerdotalis ac seminarii ordinationis.
Canon 262. The seminary is to be exempt from parochial governance. For all those in the seminary, the function of the parish priest is to be discharged by the rector of the
seminary or his delegate, with the exception of matters concerning marriage and without prejudice to the provisions of can. 985.

Exemptum a regimine paroeciali seminarium esto: et pro omnibus qui in seminario sunt, parochi officium, excepta materia matrimoniali et firmo praescripto can. 985, obeat seminarii rector eiusve delegatus.
Canon 263. The diocesan Bishop must ensure that the building and maintenance of the seminary, the support of the students, the remuneration of the teachers and the other needs of the seminary are provided for. In an inter-diocesan seminary this responsibility devolves upon the Bishops concerned, each to the extent allotted by their common agreement.

Episcopus dioecesanus vel, si de seminario interdioecesano agatur, Episcopi quorum interest, pro parte ab eis communi consilio determinata, curare debent ut provideatur seminarii constitutioni et conservationi, alumnorum sustentationi necnon magistrorum remunerationi aliisque seminarii necessitatibus.
Canon 264. §1 To provide for the needs of the seminary, the Bishop can, apart from the collection mentioned in can. 1266, impose a levy in the diocese.

§2 Every ecclesiastical juridical person is subject to the levy for the seminary, including even private juridical persons, which have a centre in the diocese. Exception is made for those whose sole support comes from alms, or in which there is actually present a college of students or of teachers for furthering the common good of the Church. This levy should be general, proportionate to the revenue of those who are subject to it and calculated according to the needs of the seminary.

§1. Ut seminarii necessitatibus provideatur, praeter stipem de qua in can. 1266, potest Episcopus in dioecesi tributum imponere.

§2. Tributo pro seminario obnoxiae sunt cunctae personae iuridicae ecclesiasticae etiam privatae, quae sedem in dioecesi habeant, nisi solis eleemosynis sustententur aut in eis collegium discentium vel docentium ad commune Ecclesiae bonum promovendum actu habeantur; huiusmodi tributum debet esse generale, reditibus eorum qui eidem obnoxii sunt proportionatum, atque iuxta necessitates seminarii determinatum.
The People of God » The Christian Faithful » Sacred Ministers or Clerics » The Enrollment, or Incardination, of Clerics
Canon 265. Every cleric must be incardinated either in a particular church or personal prelature, or in an institute of consecrated life or society endowed with this faculty, or also in a public clerical association which has obtained that faculty from the Apostolic See, in such a way that unattached or transient clerics are not allowed at all.
[revised wording according to m.p. Competentias quasdam decernere, 11.II.2022]

Quemlibet clericum oportet esse incardinatum aut alicui Ecclesiae particulari vel praelaturae personali, aut alicui instituto vitae consecratae vel societati hac facultate praeditis, aut etiam alicui Consociationi publicae clericali quae eandem faculatem ab Apostolica Sede obtinuerit, ita ut clerici acephali seu vagi minime admittantur.
Canon 266. §1 By the reception of the diaconate a person becomes a cleric, and is incardinated in the particular Church or personal Prelature for whose service he is ordained.

§2 A member who is perpetually professed in a religious institute, or who is definitively incorporated into a clerical society of apostolic life, is by the reception of the diaconate incardinated as a cleric in that institute or society unless, in the case of a society, the constitutions determine otherwise.

§3 A member of a secular institute is by the reception of the diaconate incardinated into the particular Church for whose service he was ordained, unless by virtue of a concession of the Apostolic See he is incardinated into the institute itself.

§1. Per receptum diaconatum aliquis fit clericus et incardinatur Ecclesiae particulari vel praelaturae personali pro cuius servitio promotus est.

§2. Sodalis in instituto religioso a votis perpetuis professus aut societati clericali vitae apostolicae definitive incorporatus, per receptum diaconatum incardinatur tamquam clericus eidem instituto aut societati, nisi ad societates quod attinet aliter ferant constitutiones.

§3. Sodalis instituti saecularis per receptum diaconatum incardinatur Ecclesiae particulari pro cuius servitio promotus est, nisi vi concessionis Sedis Apostolicae ipsi instituto incardinetur.
Canon 267. §1 To be validly incardinated in another particular Church, a cleric who is already incardinated must obtain a letter of excardination signed by the diocesan Bishop, and in the same way a letter of incardination signed by the diocesan Bishop of the particular Church in which he wishes to be incardinated.

§2 Excardination granted in this way does not take effect until incardination is obtained in the other particular Church.

§1. Ut clericus iam incardinatus alii Ecclesiae particulari valide incardinetur, ab Episcopo dioecesano obtinere debet litteras ab eodem subscriptas excardinationis; et pariter ab Episcopo dioecesano Ecclesiae particularis cui se incardinari desiderat, litteras ab eodem subscriptas incardinationis.

§2. Excardinatio ita concessa effectum non sortitur nisi incardinatione obtenta in alia Ecclesia particulari.
Canon 268. §1 A cleric who has lawfully moved from his own particular Church to another is, by virtue of the law itself, incardinated in that latter Church after five years, if he has declared this intention in writing to both the diocesan Bishop of the host diocese and his own diocesan Bishop, and neither of the two Bishops has indicated opposition in writing within four months of receiving the cleric’s written request.

§2 By perpetual or definitive admission into an institute of consecrated life or a society of apostolic life, a cleric who in accordance with can. 266 is incardinated in that institute or society, is excardinated from his own particular Church.

§1. Clericus qui a propria Ecclesia particulari in aliam legitime transmigraverit, huic Ecclesiae particulari, transacto quinquennio, ipso iure incardinatur, si talem voluntatem in scriptis manifestaverit tum Episcopo dioecesano Ecclesiae hospitis tum Episcopo dioecesano proprio, neque horum alteruter ipsi contrariam scripto mentem intra quattuor menses a receptis litteris significaverit.

§2. Per admissionem perpetuam aut definitivam in institutum vitae consecratae aut in societatem vitae apostolicae, clericus qui, ad normam can. 266, §2, eidem instituto aut societati incardinatur, a propria Ecclesia particulari excardinatur.
Canon 269. A diocesan Bishop is not to incardinate a cleric unless:

1° the need or the advantage of his particular Church requires it and the provisions of law concerning the worthy support of the cleric are observed;

2° he knows by a lawful document that excardination has been granted, and has also obtained from the excardinating Bishop, under secrecy if need be, appropriate testimonials concerning the cleric’s life, behaviour and studies;

3° the cleric declares in writing to the same Bishop that he wishes to enter the service of the new particular Church in accordance with the norms of law.

Ad incardinationem clerici Episcopus dioecesanus ne deveniat nisi:

1° necessitas aut utilitas suae Ecclesiae particularis id exigat, et salvis iuris praescriptis honestam sustentationem clericorum respicientibus;

2° ex legitimo documento sibi constiterit de concessa excardinatione, et habuerit praeterea ab Episcopo dioecesano excardinanti, sub secreto si opus sit, de clerici vita, moribus ac studiis opportuna testimonia;

3° clericus eidem Episcopo dioecesano scripto declaraverit se novae Ecclesiae particularis servitio velle addici ad normam iuris.
Canon 270. Excardination can be lawfully granted only for a just reason, such as the advantage of the Church or the good of the cleric. It may not, however, be refused unless grave reasons exist; it is lawful for a cleric who considers himself to be unfairly treated and who has a Bishop to receive him, to have recourse against the decision.

Excardinatio licite concedi potest iustis tantum de causis, quales sunt Ecclesiae utilitas aut bonum ipsius clerici; denegari autem non potest nisi exstantibus gravibus causis; licet tamen clerico, qui se gravatum censuerit et Episcopum receptorem invenerit, contra decisionem recurrere.
Canon 271. §1 Except for a grave need of his own particular Church, a Bishop is not to refuse clerics seeking permission to move whom he knows to be prepared and considers suitable to exercise the ministry in regions which suffer from a grave shortage of clergy. He is to ensure, however, that the rights and duties of these clerics are determined by written agreement with the diocesan Bishop of the place to which they wish to move.

§2 A Bishop can give permission to his clerics to move to another particular Church for a specified time. Such permission can be renewed several times, but in such a way that the clerics remain incardinated in their own particular Church, and on returning there enjoy all the rights which they would have had if they had ministered there.

§3 A cleric who lawfully moves to another particular Church while remaining incardinated in his own, may for a just reason be recalled by his own Bishop, provided the agreements entered into with the other Bishop are honoured and natural equity is observed. Under the same conditions, the Bishop of the other particular Church can for a just reason refuse the cleric permission to reside further in his territory.

§1. Extra casum verae necessitatis Ecclesiae particularis propriae, Episcopus dioecesanus ne deneget licentiam transmigrandi clericis, quos paratos sciat atque aptos aestimet qui regiones petant gravi cleri inopia laborantes, ibidem sacrum ministerium peracturi; prospiciat vero ut per conventionem scriptam cum Episcopo dioecesano loci, quem petunt, iura et officia eorundem clericorum stabiliantur.

§2. Episcopus dioecesanus licentiam ad aliam Ecclesiam particularem transmigrandi concedere potest suis clericis ad tempus praefinitum, etiam pluries renovandum, ita tamen ut iidem clerici propriae Ecclesiae particulari incardinati maneant, atque in eandem redeuntes omnibus gaudeant iuribus, quae haberent si in ea sacro ministerio addicti fuissent.

§3. Clericus qui legitime in aliam Ecclesiam particularem transierit propriae Ecclesiae manens incardinatus, a proprio Episcopo dioecesano iusta de causa revocari potest, dummodo serventur conventiones cum altero Episcopo initae atque naturalis aequitas; pariter, iisdem condicionibus servatis, Episcopus dioecesanus alterius Ecclesiae particularis iusta de causa poterit eidem clerico licentiam ulterioris commorationis in suo territorio denegare.
Canon 272. The diocesan Administrator cannot grant excardination nor incardination, nor permission to move to another particular Church, unless the episcopal see has been vacant for a year, and he has the consent of the college of consultors.

Excardinationem et incardinationem, itemque licentiam ad aliam Ecclesiam particularem transmigrandi concedere nequit Administrator dioecesanus, nisi post annum a vacatione sedis episcopalis, et cum consensu collegii consultorum.
The People of God » The Christian Faithful » Sacred Ministers or Clerics » The Obligations and Rights of Clerics
Canon 273. Clerics have a special obligation to show reverence and obedience to the Supreme Pontiff and to their own Ordinary.

Clerici speciali obligatione tenentur Summo Pontifici et suo quisque Ordinario reverentiam et oboedientiam exhibendi.
Canon 274. §1 Only clerics can obtain offices the exercise of which requires the power of order or the power of ecclesiastical governance.

§2 Unless excused by a lawful impediment, clerics are obliged to accept and faithfully fulfil the office committed to them by their Ordinary.

§1. Soli clerici obtinere possunt officia ad quorum exercitium requiritur potestas ordinis aut potestas regiminis ecclesiastici.

§2. Clerici, nisi legitimo impedimento excusentur, munus, quod ipsis a suo Ordinario commissum fuerit, suscipere ac fideliter adimplere tenentur.
Canon 275. §1 Since all clerics are working for the same purpose, namely the building up of the body of Christ, they are to be united with one another in the bond of brotherhood and prayer. They are to seek to cooperate with one another, in accordance with the provisions of particular law.

§2 Clerics are to acknowledge and promote the mission which the laity, each for his or her part, exercises in the Church and in the world.

§1. Clerici, quippe qui omnes ad unum conspirent opus, ad aedificationem nempe Corporis Christi, vinculo fraternitatis et orationis inter se uniti sint, et cooperationem inter se prosequantur, iuxta iuris particularis praescripta.

§2. Clerici missionem agnoscant et promoveant, quam pro sua quisque parte laici in Ecclesia et in mundo exercent.
Canon 276. §1 Clerics have a special obligation to seek holiness in their lives, because they are consecrated to God by a new title through the reception of orders, and are stewards of the mysteries of God in the service of His people.

§2 In order that they can pursue this perfection:

1° they are in the first place faithfully and untiringly to fulfil the obligations of their pastoral ministry;

2° they are to nourish their spiritual life at the twofold table of the sacred Scripture and the Eucharist; priests are therefore earnestly invited to offer the eucharistic Sacrifice daily, and deacons to participate daily in the offering;

3° priests, and deacons aspiring to the priesthood, are obliged to carry out the liturgy of the hours daily, in accordance with their own approved liturgical books; permanent deacons are to recite that part of it determined by the Episcopal

4° they are also obliged to make spiritual retreats, in accordance with the provision of particular law;

5° they are exhorted to engage regularly in mental prayer, to approach the sacrament of penance frequently, to honour the Virgin Mother of God with particular veneration, and to use other general and special means to holiness.

§1. In vita sua ducenda ad sanctitatem persequendam peculiari ratione tenentur clerici, quippe qui, Deo in ordinis receptione novo titulo consecrati, dispensatores sint mysteriorum Dei in servitium Eius populi.

§2. Ut hanc perfectionem persequi valeant:

1° imprimis ministerii pastoralis officia fideliter et indefesse adimpleant;

2° duplici mensa sacrae Scripturae et Eucharistiae vitam suam spiritualem nutriant; enixe igitur sacerdotes invitantur ut cotidie Sacrificium eucharisticum offerant, diaconi vero ut eiusdem oblationem cotidie participent;

3° obligatione tenentur sacerdotes necnon diaconi ad presbyteratum aspirantes cotidie liturgiam horarum persolvendi secundum proprios et probatos liturgicos libros; diaconi autem permanentes eandem persolvant pro parte ab Episcoporum conferentia definita;

4° pariter tenentur ad vacandum recessibus spiritualibus, iuxta iuris particularis praescripta;

5° sollicitantur ut orationi mentali regulariter incumbant, frequenter ad paenitentiae sacramentum accedant, Deiparam Virginem peculiari veneratione colant, aliisque mediis sanctificationis utantur communibus et particularibus.
Canon 277. §1 Clerics are obliged to observe perfect and perpetual continence for the sake of the Kingdom of heaven, and are therefore bound to celibacy. Celibacy is a special gift of God by which sacred ministers can more easily remain close to Christ with an undivided heart, and can dedicate themselves more freely to the service of God and their neighbour.

§2 Clerics are to behave with due prudence in relation to persons whose company can be a danger to their obligation of preserving continence or can lead to scandal of the faithful.

§3 The diocesan Bishop has authority to establish more detailed rules concerning this matter, and to pass judgement on the observance of the obligation in particular cases.

§1. Clerici obligatione tenentur servandi perfectam perpetuamque propter Regnum coelorum continentiam, ideoque ad coelibatum adstringuntur, quod est peculiare Dei donum, quo quidem sacri ministri indiviso corde Christo facilius adhaerere possunt atque Dei hominumque servitio liberius sese dedicare valent.

§2. Debita cum prudentia clerici se gerant cum personis, quarum frequentatio ipsorum obligationem ad continentiam servandam in discrimen vocare aut in fidelium scandalum vertere possit.

§3. Competit Episcopo dioecesano ut hac de re normas statuat magis determinatas utque de huius obligationis observantia in casibus particularibus iudicium ferat.
Canon 278. §1 The secular clergy have the right of association with others for the achievement of purposes befitting the clerical state.

§2 The secular clergy are to hold in high esteem those associations especially whose statutes are recognised by the competent authority and which, by a suitable and well tried rule of life and by fraternal support, promote holiness in the exercise of their ministry and foster the unity of the clergy with one another and with their Bishop.

§3 Clerics are to refrain from establishing or joining associations whose purpose or activity cannot be reconciled with the obligations proper to the clerical state, or which can hinder the diligent fulfilment of the office entrusted to them by the competent ecclesiastical authority.

§1. Ius est clericis saecularibus sese consociandi cum aliis ad fines statui clericali congruentes prosequendos.

§2. Magni habeant clerici saeculares praesertim illas consociationes quae, statutis a competenti auctoritate recognitis, per aptam et convenienter approbatam vitae ordinationem et fraternum iuvamen, sanctitatem suam in ministerii exercitio fovent, quaeque clericorum inter se et cum proprio Episcopo unioni favent.

§3. Clerici abstineant a constituendis aut participandis consociationibus, quarum finis aut actio cum obligationibus statui clericali propriis componi nequeunt vel diligentem muneris ipsis ab auctoritate ecclesiastica competenti commissi adimpletionem praepedire possunt.
Canon 279. §1 Clerics are to continue their sacred studies even after ordination to the priesthood. They are to hold to that solid doctrine based on sacred Scripture which has been handed down by our forebears and which is generally received in the Church, as set out especially in the documents of the Councils and of the Roman Pontiffs. They are to avoid profane novelties and pseudo-science.

§2 Priests are to attend pastoral courses to be arranged for them after their ordination, in accordance with the provisions of particular law. At times determined by the same law, they are to attend other courses, theological meetings or conferences, which offer them an occasion to acquire further knowledge of the sacred sciences and of pastoral methods.

§3 They are also to seek a knowledge of other sciences, especially those linked to the sacred sciences, particularly insofar as they benefit the exercise of the pastoral ministry.

§1. Clerici studia sacra, recepto etiam sacerdotio, prosequantur, et solidam illam doctrinam, in sacra Scriptura fundatam, a maioribus traditam et communiter ab Ecclesia receptam sectentur, uti documentis praesertim Conciliorum ac Romanorum Pontificum determinatur, devitantes profanas vocum novitates et falsi nominis scientiam

§2. Sacerdotes, iuxta iuris praescripta, praelectiones pastorales post ordinationem sacerdotalem instituendas frequentent atque, statutis eodem iure temporibus, aliis quoque intersint praelectionibus, conventibus theologicis aut conferentiis, quibus ipsis praebeatur occasio pleniorem scientiarum sacrarum et methodorum pastoralium cognitionem acquirendi.

§3. Aliarum quoque scientiarum, earum praesertim quae cum sacris conectuntur, cognitionem prosequantur, quatenus praecipue ad ministerium pastorale exercendum confert.
Canon 280. Some manner of common life is highly recommended to clerics; where it exists, it is as far as possible to be maintained.

Clericis valde commendatur quaedam vitae communis consuetudo; quae quidem, ubi viget, quantum fieri potest, servanda est.
Canon 281. §1 Since clerics dedicate themselves to the ecclesiastical ministry, they deserve the remuneration that befits their condition, taking into account both the nature of their office and the conditions of time and place. It is to be such that it provides for the necessities of their life and for the just remuneration of those whose services they need.

§2 Suitable provision is likewise to be made for such social welfare as they may need in infirmity, sickness or old age.

§3 Married deacons who dedicate themselves full-time to the ecclesiastical ministry deserve remuneration sufficient to provide for themselves and their families. Those, however, who receive a remuneration by reason of a secular profession which they exercise or exercised, are to see to their own and to their families’ needs from that income.

§1. Clerici, cum ministerio ecclesiastico se dedicant, remunerationem merentur quae suae condicioni congruat, ratione habita tum ipsius muneris naturae, tum locorum temporumque condicionum, quaque ipsi possint necessitatibus vitae suae necnon aequae retributioni eorum, quorum servitio egent, providere.

§2. Item providendum est ut gaudeant illa sociali assistentia, qua eorum necessitatibus, si infirmitate, invaliditate vel senectute laborent, apte prospiciatur.

§3. Diaconi uxorati, qui plene ministerio ecclesiastico sese devovent, remunerationem merentur qua sui suaeque familiae sustentationi providere valeant; qui vero ratione professionis civilis, quam exercent aut exercuerunt, remunerationem obtineant, ex perceptis inde reditibus sibi suaeque familiae necessitatibus consulant.
Canon 282. §1 Clerics are to follow a simple way of life and avoid anything which smacks of worldliness.

§2 Goods which they receive on the occasion of the exercise of an ecclesiastical office, and which are over and above what is necessary for their worthy upkeep and the fulfilment of all the duties of their state, they may well wish to use for the good of the Church and for charitable works.

§1. Clerici vitae simplicitatem colant et ab omnibus quae vanitatem sapiunt se abstineant.

§2. Bona, quae occasione exercitii ecclesiastici officii ipsis obveniunt, quaeque supersunt, provisa ex eis honesta sustentatione et omnium officiorum proprii status adimpletione, ad bonum Ecclesiae operaque caritatis impendere velint.
Canon 283. §1 Clerics, even if they do not have a residential office, are not to be absent from their diocese for a considerable time, to be determined by particular law, without the at least presumed permission of their proper Ordinary.

§2 They may, however, take a rightful and sufficient holiday every year, for the length of time determined by general or by particular law.

§1. Clerici, licet officium residentiale non habeant, a sua tamen dioecesi per notabile tempus, iure particulari determinandum, sine licentia saltem praesumpta Ordinarii proprii, ne discedant.

§2. Ipsis autem competit ut debito et sufficienti quotannis gaudeant feriarum tempore, iure universali vel particulari determinato.
Canon 284. Clerics are to wear suitable ecclesiastical dress, in accordance with the norms established by the Episcopal Conference and legitimate local custom.

Clerici decentem habitum ecclesiasticum, iuxta normas ab Episcoporum conferentia editas atque legitimas locorum consuetudines, deferant.
Canon 285. §1 Clerics are to shun completely everything that is unbecoming to their state, in accordance with the provisions of particular law.

§2 Clerics are to avoid whatever is foreign to their state, even when it is not unseemly.

§3 Clerics are forbidden to assume public office whenever it means sharing in the exercise of civil power.

§4 Without the permission of their Ordinary, they may not undertake the administration of goods belonging to lay people, or secular offices which involve the obligation to render an account. They are forbidden to act as surety, even concerning their own goods, without consulting their proper Ordinary. They are not to sign promissory notes which involve the payment of money but do not state the reasons for the payment.

§1. Clerici ab iis omnibus, quae statum suum dedecent, prorsus abstineant, iuxta iuris particularis praescripta.

§2. Ea quae, licet non indecora, a clericali tamen statu aliena sunt, clerici vitent.

§3. Officia publica, quae participationem in exercitio civilis potestatis secumferunt, clerici asssumere vetantur.

§4. Sine licentia sui Ordinarii, ne ineant gestiones bonorum ad laicos pertinentium aut officia saecularia, quae secumferunt onus reddendarum rationum; a fideiubendo, etiam de bonis propriis, inconsulto proprio Ordinario, prohibentur; item a subscribendis syngraphis, quibus nempe obligatio solvendae pecuniae, nulla definita causa, suscipitur, abstineant.
Canon 286. Clerics are forbidden to practise commerce or trade, either personally or through another, for their own or another’s benefit, except with the permission of the lawful ecclesiastical authority.

Prohibentur clerici per se vel per alios, sive in propriam sive in aliorum utilitatem, negotiationem aut mercaturam exercere, nisi de licentia legitimae auctoritatis ecclesiasticae.
Canon 287. §1 Clerics are always to do their utmost to foster among people peace and harmony based on justice.

§2 They are not to play an active role in political parties or in directing trade unions unless, in the judgement of the competent ecclesiastical authority, this is required for the defence of the rights of the Church or to promote the common good.

§1. Clerici pacem et concordiam iustitia innixam inter homines servandam quam maxime semper foveant.

§2. In factionibus politicis atque in regendis consociationibus syndicalibus activam partem ne habeant, nisi iudicio competentis auctoritatis ecclesiasticae, Ecclesiae iura tuenda aut bonum commune promovendum id requirant.
Canon 288. Permanent deacons are not bound by the provisions of cann. 284, 285 §§3 and 4, 286, 287 §2, unless particular law states otherwise.

Diaconi permanentes praescriptis canonum 284, 285, §§3 et 4, 286, 287, §2 non tenentur, nisi ius particulare aliud statuat.
Canon 289. §1 As military service ill befits the clerical state, clerics and candidates for sacred orders are not to volunteer for the armed services without the permission of their Ordinary.

§2 Clerics are to take advantage of exemptions from exercising functions and public civil offices foreign to the clerical state, which are granted in their favour by law, agreements or customs, unless their proper Ordinary has in particular cases decreed otherwise.

§1. Cum servitium militare statui clericali minus congruat, clerici itemque candidati ad sacros ordines militiam ne capessant voluntarii, nisi de sui Ordinarii licentia.

§2. Clerici utantur exemptionibus, quas ab exercendis muneribus et publicis civilibus officiis a statu clericali alienis, in eorum favorem eaedem leges aut conventiones vel consuetudines concedunt nisi in casibus particularibus aliter Ordinarius proprius decreverit.
The People of God » The Christian Faithful » Sacred Ministers or Clerics » Loss of the Clerical State
Canon 290. Sacred ordination once validly received never becomes invalid. A cleric, however, loses the clerical state:

1° by a judgement of a court or an administrative decree, declaring the ordination invalid;

2° by the penalty of dismissal lawfully imposed;

3° by a rescript of the Apostolic See; this rescript, however, is granted to deacons only for grave reasons and to priests only for the gravest of reasons.

Sacra ordinatio, semel valide recepta, numquam irrita fit. Clericus tamen statum clericalem amittit:

1° sententia iudicali aut decreto administrativo, quo invaliditas sacrae ordinationis declaratur;

2° poena dimissionis legitime irrogata;

3° rescripto Apostolicae Sedis; quod vero rescriptum diaconis ob graves tantum causas, presbyteris ob gravissimas causas ac Apostolica Sede conceditur.
Canon 291. Apart from the cases mentioned in can. 290, n. 1, the loss of the clerical state does not carry with it a dispensation from the obligation of celibacy, which is granted solely by the Roman Pontiff.

Praeter casus de quibus in can. 290, n. 1, amissio status clericalis non secumfert dispensationem ab obligatione caelibatus, quae ab uno tantum Romano Pontifice conceditur.
Canon 292. A cleric who loses the clerical state in accordance with the law, loses thereby the rights that are proper to the clerical state and is no longer bound by any obligations of the clerical state, without prejudice to can. 291. He is prohibited from exercising the power of order, without prejudice to can. 976. He is automatically deprived of all offices and roles and of any delegated power.

Clericus qui statum clericalem ad normam iuris amittit, cum eo amittit iura statui clericali propria, nec ullis iam adstringitur obligationibus status clericalis, firmo praescripto can. 291; potestatem ordinis exercere prohibetur, salvo praescripto can. 976; eo ipso privatur omnibus officiis, muneribus et potestate qualibet delegata.
Canon 293. A cleric who has lost the clerical state cannot be enrolled as a cleric again save by rescript of the Apostolic See.

Clericus qui statum clericalem amisit, nequit denuo inter clericos adscribi, nisi per Apostolicae Sedis rescriptum.

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