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The People of God » The Hierarchical Constitution of the Church » Particular Churches and Their Groupings » Particular Churches and the Authority Established in Them » Bishops » Diocesan bishops
Canon 381. §1 In the diocese entrusted to his care, the diocesan Bishop has all the ordinary, proper and immediate power required for the exercise of his pastoral office, except in those matters which the law or a decree of the Supreme Pontiff reserves to the supreme or to some other ecclesiastical authority.

§2 Those who are at the head of the other communities of the faithful mentioned in can. 368, are equivalent in law to the diocesan Bishop unless the contrary is clear from the nature of things or from a provision of the law.

§1. Episcopo dioecesano in dioecesi ipsi commissa omnis competit potestas ordinaria, propria et immediata, quae ad exercitium eius muneris pastoralis requiritur, exceptis causis quae iure aut Summi Pontificis decreto supremae aut alii auctoritati ecclesiasticae reserventur.

§2. Qui praesunt aliis communitatibus fidelium, de quibus in can. 368, Episcopo dioecesano in iure aequiparantur, nisi ex rei natura aut iuris praescripto aliud appareat.
Canon 382. §1 A person who is promoted to the episcopate cannot become involved in the exercise of the office entrusted to him before he has taken canonical possession of the diocese. However, he is able to exercise offices which he already held in the same diocese at the time of his promotion, without prejudice to can. 409 §2.

§2 Unless he is lawfully impeded, one who is not already consecrated a Bishop and is now promoted to the office of diocesan Bishop, must take canonical possession of his diocese within four months of receiving the apostolic letters. If he is already consecrated, he must take possession within two months of receiving the apostolic letters.

§3 A Bishop takes canonical possession of his diocese when, personally or by proxy, he shows the apostolic letters to the college of consultors, in the presence of the chancellor of the curia, who makes a record of the fact. This must take place within
the diocese. In dioceses which are newly established he takes possession when he communicates the same letters to the clergy and the people in the cathedral church, with the senior of the priests present making a record of the fact.

§4 It is strongly recommended that the taking of canonical possession be performed with a liturgical act in the cathedral church, in the presence of the clergy and the people.

§1. Episcopus promotus in exercitium officii sibi commissi sese ingerere nequit, ante captam dioecesis canonicam possessionem; exercere tamen valet officia, quae in eadem dioecesi tempore promotionis iam retinebat, firmo praescripto can. 409, §2.

§2. Nisi legitimo detineatur impedimento, promotus ad officium Episcopi dioecesani debet canonicam suae dioecesis possessionem capere, si iam non sit consecratus Episcopus, intra quattuor menses a receptis apostolicis litteris; si iam sit consecratus, intra duos menses ab iisdem receptis.

§3. Canonicam dioecesis possessionem capit Episcopus simul ac in ipsa dioecesi, per se vel per procuratorem, apostolicas litteras collegio consultorum ostenderit, praesente curiae cancellario, qui rem in acta referat, aut, in dioecesibus noviter erectis, simul ac clero populoque in ecclesia cathedrali praesenti earundem litterarum communicationem procuraverit, presbytero inter praesentes seniore in acta referente.

§4. Valde commendatur ut captio canonicae possessionis cum actu liturgico in ecclesia cathedrali fiat, clero et populo adstantibus.
Canon 383. §1 In exercising his pastoral office, the diocesan Bishop is to be solicitous for all Christ’s faithful entrusted to his care, whatever their age, condition or nationality, whether they live in the territory or are visiting there. He is to show an apostolic spirit also to those who, because of their condition of life, are not sufficiently able to benefit from ordinary pastoral care, and to those who have lapsed from religious practice.

§2 If he has faithful of a different rite in his diocese, he is to provide for their spiritual needs either by means of priests or parishes of the same rite, or by an episcopal Vicar.

§3 He is to act with humanity and charity to those who are not in full communion with the catholic Church- he should also foster ecumenism as it is understood by the

§4 He is to consider the non-baptised as commended to him in the Lord, so that the charity of Christ, of which the Bishop must be a witness to all, may shine also on them.

§1. In exercendo munere pastoris, Episcopus dioecesanus sollicitum se praebeat erga omnes christifideles qui suae curae committuntur, cuiusvis sint aetatis, condicionis vel nationis, tum in territorio habitantes tum in eodem ad tempus versantes, animum intendens apostolicum ad eos etiam qui ob vitae suae condicionem ordinaria cura pastorali non satis frui valeant necnon ad eos qui a religionis praxi defecerint.

§2. Fideles diversi ritus in sua dioecesi si habeat, eorum spiritualibus necessitatibus provideat sive per sacerdotes aut paroecias eiusdem ritus, sive per Vicarium episcopalem.

§3. Erga fratres, qui in plena communione cum Ecclesia catholica non sint, cum humanitate et caritate se gerat, oecumenismum quoque fovens prout ab Ecclesia intellegitur.

§4. Commendatos sibi in Domino habeat non baptizatos, ut et ipsis caritas eluceat Christi, cuius testis coram omnibus Episcopus esse debet.
Canon 384. He is to have a special concern for the priests, to whom he is to listen as his helpers and counsellors. He is to defend their rights and ensure that they fulfil the obligations proper to their state. He is to see that they have the means and the institutions needed for the development of their spiritual and intellectual life. He is to ensure that they are provided with adequate means of livelihood and social welfare, in accordance with the law.

Episcopus dioecesanus peculiari sollicitudine prosequatur presbyteros, quos tamquam adiutores et consiliarios audiat, eorum iura tutetur et curet ut ipsi obligationes suo statui proprias rite adimpleant iisdemque praesto sint media et institutiones, quibus ad vitam spiritualem et intellectualem fovendam egeant; item curet ut eorum honestae sustentationi atque assistentiae sociali, ad normam iuris, prospiciatur.
Canon 385. He must in a very special way foster vocations to the various ministries and to consecrated life, having a special care for priestly and missionary vocations.

Episcopus dioecesanus vocationes ad diversa ministeria et ad vitam consecratam quam maxime foveat, speciali cura vocationibus sacerdotalibus et missionalibus adhibita.
Canon 386. §1 The diocesan Bishop is bound to teach and illustrate to the faithful the truths of faith which are to be believed and applied to behaviour. He is himself to preach frequently. He is also to ensure that the provisions of the canons on the ministry of the word, especially on the homily and catechetical instruction, are faithfully observed, so that the whole of christian teaching is transmitted to all.

§2 By whatever means seem most appropriate, he is firmly to defend the integrity and unity of the faith to be believed. However, he is to acknowledge a just freedom in the further investigation of truths.

§1. Veritates fidei credendas et moribus applicandas Episcopus dioecesanus fidelibus proponere et illustrare tenetur, per se ipse frequenter praedicans; curet etiam ut praescripta canonum de ministerio verbi, de homilia praesertim et catechetica institutione sedulo serventur, ita ut universa doctrina christiana omnibus tradatur.

§2. Integritatem et unitatem fidei credendae mediis, quae aptiora videantur, firmiter tueatur, iustam tamen libertatem agnoscens in veritatibus ulterius perscrutandis.
Canon 387. Mindful that he is bound to give an example of holiness, charity, humility and simplicity of life, the diocesan Bishop is to seek in every way to promote the holiness of Christ’s faithful according to the special vocation of each. Since he is the principal dispenser of the mysteries of God, he is to strive constantly that Christ’s faithful entrusted to his care may grow in grace through the celebration of the sacraments, and may know and live the paschal mystery.

Episcopus dioecesanus, cum memor sit se obligatione teneri exemplum sanctitatis praebendi in caritate, humilitate et vitae simplicitate, omni ope promovere studeat sanctitatem christifidelium secundum uniuscuiusque propriam vocationem atque, cum sit praecipuus mysteriorum Dei dispensator, iugiter annitatur ut christifideles suae curae commissi sacramentorum celebratione in gratia crescant utque paschale mysterium cognoscant et vivant.
Canon 388. §1 After he has taken possession of the diocese, the diocesan Bishop must apply the Mass for the people entrusted to him on each Sunday and on each holyday of obligation in his region.

§2 The Bishop must himself celebrate and apply the Mass for the people on the days mentioned in §1; if, however, he is lawfully impeded from so doing, he is to have someone else do so on those days, or do so himself on other days.

§3 A Bishop who, in addition to his own, is given another diocese, even as administrator, satisfies the obligation by applying one Mass for all the people entrusted to him.

§4 A Bishop who has not satisfied the obligation mentioned in §§1-3, is to apply as soon as possible as many Masses for the people as he has omitted.

§1. Episcopus dioecesanus, post captam dioecesis possessionem, debet singulis diebus dominicis aliisque diebus festis de praecepto in sua regione Missam pro populo sibi commisso applicare.

§2. Episcopus Missam pro populo diebus, de quibus in §1, per se ipse celebrare et applicare debet; si vero ab hac celebratione legitime impediatur, iisdem diebus per alium, vel aliis diebus per se ipse applicet.

§3. Episcopus, cui praeter propriam dioecesim aliae, titulo etiam administrationis, sunt commissae, obligationi satisfacit unam Missam pro universo populo sibi commisso applicando.

§4. Episcopus, qui obligationi, de qua in §§1-3, non satisfecerit, quam primum pro populo tot Missas applicet quot omiserit.
Canon 389. He is frequently to preside at the Eucharistic celebration in the cathedral church or in some other church of his diocese, especially on holydays of obligation and on other solemnities.

Frequenter praesit in ecclesia cathedrali aliave ecclesia suae dioecesis sanctissimae Eucharistiae celebrationi, in festis praesertim de praecepto aliisque sollemnitatibus.
Canon 390. The diocesan Bishop may use pontificalia throughout his diocese. He may not do so outside his diocese without the consent of the local Ordinary, either expressly given or at least reasonably presumed.

Episcopus dioecesanus in universa sua dioecesi pontificalia exercere potest; non vero extra propriam dioecesim sine expresso vel saltem rationabiliter praesumpto Ordinarii loci consensu.
Canon 391. §1 The diocesan Bishop governs the particular Church entrusted to him with legislative, executive and judicial power, in accordance with the law.

§2 The Bishop exercises legislative power himself. He exercises executive power either personally or through Vicars general or episcopal Vicars, in accordance with the law. He exercises judicial power either personally or through a judicial Vicar and judges, in accordance with the law.

§1. Episcopi dioecesani est Ecclesiam particularem sibi commissam cum potestate legislativa, exsecutiva et iudiciali regere, ad normam iuris.

§2. Potestatem legislativam exercet ipse Episcopus; potestatem exsecutivam exercet sive per se sive per Vicarios generales aut episcopales ad normam iuris; potestatem iudicialem sive per se sive per Vicarium iudicialem et iudices ad normam iuris.
Canon 392. §1 Since the Bishop must defend the unity of the universal Church, he is bound to foster the discipline which is common to the whole Church, and so press for the observance of all ecclesiastical laws.

§2 He is to ensure that abuses do not creep into ecclesiastical discipline, especially concerning the ministry of the word, the celebration of the sacraments and sacramentals, the worship of God and the cult of the saints, and the administration of goods.

§1. Ecclesiae universae unitatem cum tueri debeat, Episcopus disciplinam cunctae Ecclesiae communem promovere et ideo observantiam omnium legum ecclesiasticarum urgere tenetur.

§2. Advigilet ne abusus in ecclesiasticam disciplinam irrepant, praesertim circa ministerium verbi, celebrationem sacramentorum et sacramentalium, cultum Dei et Sanctorum, necnon bonorum administrationem.
Canon 393. In all juridical transactions of the diocese, the diocesan Bishop acts in the person of the diocese.

In omnibus negotiis iuridicis dioecesis, Episcopus dioecesanus eiusdem personam gerit.
Canon 394. §1 The Bishop is to foster various forms of the apostolate in his diocese and is to ensure that throughout the entire diocese, or in its particular districts, all works of the apostolate are coordinated under his direction, with due regard for the character of each apostolate.

§2 He is to insist on the faithful’s obligation to exercise the apostolate according to the condition and talents of each. He is to urge them to take part in or assist various works of the apostolate, according to the needs of place and time.

§1. Varias apostolatus rationes in dioecesi foveat Episcopus, atque curet ut in universa dioecesi, vel in eiusdem particularibus districtibus, omnia apostolatus opera, servata uniuscuiusque propria indole, sub suo moderamine coordinentur.

§2. Urgeat officium, quo tenentur fideles ad apostolatum pro sua cuiusque condicione et aptitudine exercendum, atque ipsos adhortetur ut varia opera apostolatus, secundum necessitates loci et temporis, participent et iuvent.
Canon 395. §1 The diocesan Bishop is bound by the law of personal residence in his diocese, even if he has a coadjutor or auxiliary Bishop.

§2 Apart from the visit ‘ad limina’, attendance at councils or at the synod of Bishops or at the Episcopal Conference, at which he must be present, or by reason of another office lawfully entrusted to him, he may be absent from the diocese, for a just reason, for not longer than one month, continuously or otherwise, provided he ensures that the diocese is not harmed by this absence.

§3 He is not to be absent from his diocese on Christmas Day, during Holy Week, or on Easter Sunday, Pentecost and Corpus Christi, except for a grave and urgent reason.

§4 If the Bishop is unlawfully absent from the diocese for more than six months, the
Metropolitan is to notify the Holy See. If it is the Metropolitan who is absent, the senior suffragan is to do the same.

§1. Episcopus dioecesanus, etiamsi coadiutorem aut auxiliarem habeat, tenetur lege personalis in dioecesi residentiae.

§2. Praeterquam causa visitationis Sacrorum Liminum, vel Conciliorum, Episcoporum synodi, Episcoporum conferentiae, quibus interesse debet, aliusve officii sibi legitime commissi, a dioecesi aequa de causa abesse potest non ultra mensem, sive continuum sive intermissum, dummodo cautum sit ne ex eius absentia dioecesis quidquam detrimenti capiat.

§3. A dioecesi ne absit diebus Nativitatis, Hebdomadae Sanctae et Resurrectionis Domini, Pentecostes et Corporis et Sanguinis Christi, nisi ex gravi urgentique causa.

§4. Si ultra sex menses Episcopus a dioecesi illegitime abfuerit, de eius absentia Metropolita Sedem Apostolicam certiorem faciat; quod si agatur de Metropolita, idem faciat antiquior suffraganeus.
Canon 396. §1 The Bishop is bound to visit his diocese in whole or in part each year, so that at least every five years he will have visited the whole diocese, either personally or, if he is lawfully impeded, through the coadjutor or auxiliary Bishop, the Vicar general, an episcopal Vicar or some other priest.

§2 The Bishop has a right to select any clerics he wishes as his companions and helpers in a visitation, any contrary privilege or custom being reprobated.

§1. Tenetur Episcopus obligatione dioecesis vel ex toto vel ex parte quotannis visitandae, ita ut singulis saltem quinquenniis universam dioecesim, ipse per se vel, si legitime fuerit impeditus, per Episcopum coadiutorem, aut per auxiliarem, aut per Vicarium generalem vel episcopalem, aut per alium presbyterum visitet.

§2. Fas est Episcopo sibi eligere quos maluerit clericos in visitatione comites atque adiutores, reprobato quocumque contrario privilegio vel consuetudine.
Canon 397. §1 Persons, catholic institutes, pious objects and places within the boundaries of the diocese, are subject to ordinary episcopal visitation.

§2 The Bishop may visit the members of religious institutes of pontifical right and their houses only in the cases stated in the law.

§1. Ordinariae episcopali visitationi obnoxiae sunt personae, instituta catholica, res et loca sacra, quae intra dioecesis ambitum continentur.

§2. Sodales institutorum religiosorum iuris pontificii eorumque domos Episcopus visitare potest in casibus tantum iure expressis.
Canon 398. The Bishop is to endeavour to make his pastoral visitation with due diligence. He is to ensure that he is not a burden to anyone on the ground of undue expense.

Studeat Episcopus debita cum diligentia pastoralem visitationem absolvere; caveat ne superfluis sumptibus cuiquam gravis onerosusve sit.
Canon 399. §1 Every five years the diocesan Bishop is bound to submit to the Supreme
Pontiff a report on the state of the diocese entrusted to him, in the form and at the time determined by the Apostolic See.

§2 If the year assigned for submitting this report coincides in whole or in part with the first two years of his governance of the diocese, for that occasion the Bishop need not draw up and submit the report.

§1. Episcopus dioecesanus tenetur singulis quinquenniis relationem Summo Pontifici exhibere super statu dioecesis sibi commissae, secundum formam et tempus ab Apostolica Sede definita.

§2. Si annus pro exhibenda relatione determinatus ex toto vel ex parte inciderit in primum biennium ab inito dioecesis regimine, Episcopus pro ea vice a conficienda et exhibenda relatione abstinere potest.
Canon 400. §1 Unless the Apostolic See has decided otherwise, in the year in which he is bound to submit the report to the Supreme Pontiff, the diocesan Bishop is to go to
Rome to venerate the tombs of the Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul, and to present himself to the Roman Pontiff.

§2 The Bishop is to satisfy this obligation personally, unless he is lawfully impeded; in which case he is to satisfy the obligation through the coadjutor, if he has one, or the auxiliary, or a suitable priest of his presbyterium who resides in his diocese.

§3 A Vicar apostolic can satisfy this obligation through a proxy, even through one residing in Rome. A Prefect apostolic is not bound by this obligation.

§1. Episcopus dioecesanus, eo anno quo relationem Summo Pontifici exhibere tenetur, nisi aliter ab Apostolica Sede statutum fuerit, ad Urbem, Beatorum Apostolorum Petri et Pauli sepulcra veneraturus, accedat et Romano Pontifici se sistat.

§2. Episcopus praedictae obligationi per se ipse satisfaciat, nisi legitime sit impeditus; quo in casu eidem satisfaciat per coadiutorem, si quem habeat, vel auxiliarem, aut per idoneum sacerdotem sui presbyterii, qui in sua dioecesi resideat.

§3. Vicarius apostolicus huic obligationi satisfacere potest per procuratorem etiam in Urbe degentem; Praefectus apostolicus hac obligatione non tenetur.
Canon 401. §1 A diocesan Bishop who has completed his seventy-fifth year of age is requested to offer his resignation from office to the Supreme Pontiff, who, taking all the circumstances into account, will make provision accordingly.

§2 A diocesan Bishop who, because of illness or some other grave reason, has become unsuited for the fulfilment of his office, is earnestly requested to offer his resignation from office.
NB see m.p. Learn to take your leave, 12.II.2018:

Art. 1. Upon reaching 75 years of age, diocesan and eparchial Bishops, and those deemed equivalent to them according to canons 381 §2 cic and 313 cceo, as well as Coadjutor and Auxiliary Bishops or holders of special pastoral responsibilities, are invited to present to the Supreme Pontiff their resignation from pastoral office.

Art. 2. Upon reaching 75 years of age, non-Cardinal Dicastery Heads of the
Roman Curia, Superior Prelates of the Roman Curia and Bishops holding other

offices of the Holy See, do not ipso facto cede their office, but must present their resignation to the Supreme Pontiff.

Art. 3. Likewise, Pontifical Representatives do not ipso facto cede their office upon reaching seventy-five years of age, but in this circumstance must present their resignation to the Supreme Pontiff.

Art. 4. To be effective, resignation pursuant to articles 1-3 must be accepted by the Supreme Pontiff, who will decide by evaluating the concrete circumstances.

Art. 5. Once the resignation is presented, the office relative to articles 1-3 will be extended until acceptance of the resignation is communicated to the interested party, for a fixed or unspecified time, contrary to the general terms established by canons 189 §3 cic and 970 §1 cceo.

§1. Episcopus dioecesanus, qui septuagesimum quintum aetatis annum expleverit, rogatur ut renuntiationem ab officio exhibeat Summo Pontifici, qui omnibus inspectis adiunctis providebit.

§2. Enixe rogatur Episcopus dioecesanus, qui ob infirmam valetudinem aliamve gravem causam officio suo adimplendo minus aptus evaserit, ut renuntiationem ab officio exhibeat.
Canon 402. §1 A Bishop whose resignation from office has been accepted, acquires the unless, because of special circumstances in certain cases, the Apostolic See provides otherwise.
[NB see Authentic Interpretation of canon 402 §1, 10.X.1991]

§2 The Episcopal Conference must ensure that suitable and worthy provision is made for the upkeep of a Bishop who has resigned, bearing in mind the primary obligation which falls on the diocese which he served.

§1. Episcopus, cuius renuntiatio ab officio acceptata fuerit, titulum emeriti suae dioecesis retinet, atque habitationis sedem, si id exoptet, in ipsa dioecesi servare potest, nisi certis in casibus ob specialia adiuncta ab Apostolica Sede aliter provideatur.

§2. Episcoporum conferentia curare debet ut congruae et dignae Episcopi renuntiantis sustentationi provideatur, attenta quidem primaria obligatione, qua tenetur dioecesis cui ipse inservivit.

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