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The People of God » The Hierarchical Constitution of the Church » Particular Churches and Their Groupings » The Internal Ordering of Particular Churches » Parishes, pastors, and parochial vicars
Canon 515. §1 A parish is a certain community of Christ’s faithful stably established within a particular Church, whose pastoral care, under the authority of the diocesan
Bishop, is entrusted to a parish priest as its proper pastor.

§2 The diocesan Bishop alone can establish, suppress or alter parishes. He is not to establish, suppress or notably alter them unless he has consulted the council of priests.

§3 A lawfully established parish has juridical personality by virtue of the law itself.

§1. Paroecia est certa communitas christifidelium in Ecclesia particulari stabiliter constituta, cuius cura pastoralis, sub auctoritate Episcopi dioecesani, committitur parocho, qua proprio eiusdem pastori.

§2. Paroecias erigere, supprimere aut eas innovare unius est Episcopi dioecesani, qui paroecias ne erigat aut supprimat, neve eas notabiliter innovet, nisi audito consilio presbyterali.

§3. Paroecia legitime erecta personalitate iuridica ipso iure gaudet.
Canon 516. §1 Unless the law provides otherwise, a quasi-parish is equivalent to a parish. A quasi-parish is a certain community of Christ’s faithful within a particular
Church, entrusted to a priest as its proper pastor, but because of special circumstances not yet established as a parish.

§2 Where some communities cannot be established as parishes or quasi-parishes, the diocesan Bishop is to provide for their spiritual care in some other way.

§1. Nisi aliud iure caveatur, paroeciae aequiparatur quasi-paroecia, quae est certa in Ecclesia particulari communitas christifidelium, sacerdoti uti pastori proprio commissa, ob peculiaria adiuncta in paroeciam nondum erecta.

§2. Ubi quaedam communitates in paroeciam vel quasi-paroeciam erigi non possint, Episcopus dioecesanus alio modo earundem pastorali curae prospiciat.
Canon 517. §1 Where circumstances so require, the pastoral care of a parish, or of a number of parishes together, can be entrusted to several priests jointly, but with the stipulation that one of the priests is to be the moderator of the pastoral care to be exercised. This moderator is to direct the joint action and to be responsible for it to the Bishop.

§2 If, because of a shortage of priests, the diocesan Bishop has judged that a deacon, or some other person who is not a priest, or a community of persons, should be entrusted with a share in the exercise of the pastoral care of a parish, he is to appoint some priest who, with the powers and faculties of a parish priest, will direct the pastoral care.

§1. Ubi adiuncta id requirant, paroeciae aut diversarum simul paroeciarum cura pastoralis committi potest pluribus in solidum sacerdotibus, ea tamen lege, ut eorundem unus curae pastoralis exercendae sit moderator, qui nempe actionem coniunctam dirigat atque de eadem coram Episcopo respondeat.

§2. Si ob sacerdotum penuriam Episcopus dioecesanus aestimaverit participationem in exercitio curae pastoralis paroeciae concredendam esse diacono aliive personae sacerdotali charactere non insignitae aut personarum communitati, sacerdotem constituat aliquem qui, potestatibus et facultatibus parochi instructus, curam pastoralem moderetur.
Canon 518. As a general rule, a parish is to be territorial, that is, it is to embrace all
Christ’s faithful of a given territory. Where it is useful however, personal parishes are to be established, determined by reason of the rite, language or nationality of the faithful of a certain territory, or on some other basis.

Paroecia regula generali sit territorialis, quae scilicet omnes complectatur christifideles certi territorii; ubi vero id expediat, constituantur paroeciae personales, ratione ritus, linguae, nationis christifidelium alicuius territorii atque alia etiam ratione determinatae.
Canon 519. The parish priest is the proper pastor of the parish entrusted to him. He exercises the pastoral care of the community entrusted to him under the authority of the diocesan Bishop, whose ministry of Christ he is called to share, so that for this community he may carry out the offices of teaching, sanctifying and ruling with the cooperation of other priests or deacons and with the assistance of lay members of
Christ’s faithful, in accordance with the law.

Parochus est pastor proprius paroeciae sibi commissae, cura pastorali communitatis sibi concreditae fungens sub auctoritate Episcopi dioecesani, cuius in partem ministerii Christi vocatus est, ut pro eadem communitate munera exsequatur docendi, sanctificandi et regendi, cooperantibus etiam aliis presbyteris vel diaconis atque operam conferentibus christifidelibus laicis, ad normam iuris.
Canon 520. §1 A juridical person may not be a parish priest. However, the diocesan Bishop, but not the diocesan Administrator, can, with the consent of the competent Superior, entrust a parish to a clerical religious institute or to a clerical society of apostolic life, even by establishing it in the church of the institute or society, subject however to the rule that one priest be the parish priest or, if the pastoral care is entrusted to several priests jointly, that there be a moderator as mentioned in can. 517§1.

§2 The entrustment of a parish, as in §1, may be either in perpetuity or for a specified time. In either case this is to be done by means of a written agreement made between the diocesan Bishop and the competent Superior of the institute or society. This agreement must expressly and accurately define, among other things, the work to be done, the persons to be assigned to it and the financial arrangements.

§1. Persona iuridica ne sit parochus; Episcopus autem dioecesanus, non vero Administrator dioecesanus, de consensu competentis Superioris, potest paroeciam committere instituto religioso clericali vel societati clericali vitae apostolicae, eam erigendo etiam in ecclesia instituti aut societatis, hac tamen lege ut unus presbyter sit paroeciae parochus, aut, si cura pastoralis pluribus in solidum committatur, moderator, de quo in can. 517, §1.

§2. Paroeciae commissio, de qua in §1, fieri potest sive in perpetuum sive ad certum praefinitum tempus; in utroque casu fiat mediante conventione scripta inter Episcopum dioecesanum et competentem Superiorem instituti vel societatis inita, qua inter alia expresse et accurate definiantur, quae ad opus explendum, ad personas eidem addicendas et ad res oeconomicas spectent.
Canon 521. §1 To be validly appointed a parish priest, one must be in the sacred order of priesthood.

§2 He is also to be outstanding in sound doctrine and uprightness of character, endowed with zeal for souls and other virtues, and possessed of those qualities which by universal or particular law are required for the care of the parish in question.

§3 In order that one be appointed to the office of parish priest, his suitability must be clearly established, in a manner determined by the diocesan Bishop, even by examination.

§1. Ut quis valide in parochum assumatur, oportet sit in sacro presbyteratus ordine constitutus.

§2. Sit praeterea sana doctrina et morum probitate praestans, animarum zelo aliisque virtutibus praeditus, atque insuper qualitatibus gaudeat quae ad paroeciam, de qua agitur, curandam iure sive universali sive particulari requiruntur.

§3. Ad officium parochi alicui conferendum, oportet de eius idoneitate, modo ab Episcopo dioecesano determinato, etiam per examen, certo constet.
Canon 522. It is necessary that a parish priest have the benefit of stability, and therefore he is to be appointed for an indeterminate period of time. The diocesan Bishop may appoint him for a specified period of time only if the Episcopal Conference has by decree allowed this.

Parochus stabilitate gaudeat oportet ideoque ad tempus indefinitum nominetur; ad certum tempus tantum ab Episcopo dioecesano nominari potest, si id ab Episcoporum conferentia per decretum admissum fuerit.
Canon 523. Without prejudice to can. 682, appointment to the office of parish priest belongs to the diocesan Bishop, who is free to confer it on whomsoever he wishes, unless someone else has a right of presentation or election.

Firmo praescripto can. 682 §1, parochi officii provisio Episcopo dioecesano competit et quidem libera collatione, nisi cuidam sit ius praesentationis aut electionis.
Canon 524. The diocesan Bishop is to confer a vacant parish on the one whom, after consideration of all the circumstances, he judges suitable for the parochial care of that parish, without any preference of persons. In order to assess suitability, he is to consult the vicar forane, conduct suitable enquiries and, if it is appropriate, seek the view of some priests and lay members of Christ’s faithful.

Vacantem paroeciam Episcopus dioecesanus conferat illi quem, omnibus perpensis adiunctis, aestimet idoneum ad paroecialem curam in eadem implendam, omni personarum acceptione remota; ut iudicium de idoneitate ferat, audiat vicarium foraneum aptasque investigationes peragat, auditis, si casus ferat, certis presbyteris necnon christifidelibus laicis.
Canon 525. When a see is vacant or impeded, it is for the diocesan Administrator or whoever governs the diocese in the interim:

1° to institute priests lawfully presented for a parish or to confirm those lawfully elected to one;

2° to appoint parish priests if the see has been vacant or impeded for a year.

Sede vacante aut impedita, ad Administratorem dioecesanum aliumve dioecesim ad interim regentem pertinet:

1° institutionem vel confirmationem concedere presbyteris, qui ad paroeciam legitime praesentati aut electi fuerint;

2° parochos nominare, si sedes ab anno vacaverit aut impedita sit.
Canon 526. §1 A parish priest is to have the parochial care of one parish only.
However, because of a shortage of priests or other circumstances, the care of a number of neighbouring parishes can be entrusted to the one parish priest.

§2 In any one parish there is to be only one parish priest, or one moderator in accordance with can. 517 §1; any contrary custom is reprobated and any contrary privilege revoked.

§1. Parochus unius paroeciae tantum curam paroecialem habeat; ob penuriam tamen sacerdotum aut alia adiuncta, plurium vicinarum paroeciarum cura eidem parocho concredi potest.

§2. In eadem paroecia unus tantum habeatur parochus aut moderator ad normam can. 517, §1, reprobata contraria consuetudine et revocato quolibet contrario privilegio.
Canon 527. §1 One who is promoted to exercise the pastoral care of a parish obtains this care and is bound to exercise it from the moment he takes possession.

§2 The local Ordinary or a priest delegated by him puts the parish priest into possession, in accordance with the procedure approved by particular law or by lawful custom. For a just reason, however, the same Ordinary can dispense from this procedure, in which case the communication of the dispensation to the parish replaces the taking of possession.

§3 The local Ordinary is to determine the time within which the parish priest must take possession of the parish. If, in the absence of a lawful impediment, he has not taken possession within this time, the local Ordinary can declare the parish vacant.

§1. Qui ad curam pastoralem paroeciae gerendam promotus est, eandem obtinet et exercere tenetur a momento captae possessionis.

§2. Parochum in possessionem mittit loci Ordinarius aut sacerdos ab eodem delegatus, servato modo lege particulari aut legitima consuetudine recepto; iusta tamen de causa potest idem Ordinarius ab eo modo dispensare; quo in casu dispensatio paroeciae notificata locum tenet captae possessionis.

§3. Loci Ordinarius praefiniat tempus intra quod paroeciae possessio capi debeat; quo inutiliter praeterlapso, nisi iustum obstiterit impedimentum, paroeciam vacare declarare potest.
Canon 528. §1 The parish priest has the obligation of ensuring that the word of God is proclaimed in its entirety to those living in the parish. He is therefore to see to it that the lay members of Christ’s faithful are instructed in the truths of faith, especially by means of the homily on Sundays and holydays of obligation and by catechetical formation. He is to foster works which promote the spirit of the Gospel, including its relevance to social justice. He is to have a special care for the catholic education of children and young people. With the collaboration of the faithful, he is to make every effort to bring the gospel message to those also who have given up religious practice or who do not profess the true faith.

§2 The parish priest is to take care that the blessed Eucharist is the centre of the parish assembly of the faithful. He is to strive to ensure that the faithful are nourished by the devout celebration of the sacraments, and in particular that they frequently approach the sacraments of the blessed Eucharist and penance. He is to strive to lead them to prayer, including prayer in their families, and to take a live and active part in the sacred liturgy. Under the authority of the diocesan Bishop, the parish priest must direct this liturgy in his own parish, and he is bound to be on guard against abuses.

§1. Parochus obligatione tenetur providendi ut Dei verbum integre in paroecia degentibus annuntietur; quare curet ut christifideles laici in fidei veritatibus edoceantur, praesertim homilia diebus dominicis et festis de praecepto habenda necnon catechetica institutione tradenda, atque foveat opera quibus spiritus evangelicus, etiam ad iustitiam socialem quod attinet, promoveatur; peculiarem curam habeat de puerorum iuvenumque educatione catholica; omni ope satagat, associata etiam sibi christifidelium opera, ut nuntius evangelicus ad eos quoque perveniat, qui a religione colenda recesserint aut veram fidem non profiteantur.

§2. Consulat parochus ut sanctissima Eucharistia centrum sit congregationis fidelium paroecialis; allaboret ut christifideles, per devotam sacramentorum celebrationem, pascantur, peculiarique modo ut frequenter ad sanctissimae Eucharistiae et paenitentiae sacramenta accedant; annitatur item ut iidem ad orationem etiam in familiis peragendam ducantur atque conscie et actuose partem habeant in sacra liturgia, quam quidem, sub auctoritate Episcopi dioecesani, parochus in sua paroecia moderari debet et, ne abusus irrepant, invigilare tenetur.
Canon 529. §1 So that he may fulfil his office of pastor diligently, the parish priest is to strive to know the faithful entrusted to his care. He is therefore to visit their families, sharing in their cares and anxieties and, in a special way, their sorrows, comforting
them in the Lord. If in certain matters they are found wanting, he is prudently to correct them. He is to help the sick and especially the dying in great charity, solicitiously restoring them with the sacraments and commending their souls to God.
He is to be especially diligent in seeking out the poor, the suffering, the lonely, those who are exiled from their homeland, and those burdened with special difficulties. He is to strive also to ensure that spouses and parents are sustained in the fulfilment of their proper duties, and to foster the growth of christian life in the family.

§2 The parish priest is to recognise and promote the specific role which the lay members of Christ’s faithful have in the mission of the Church, fostering their associations which have religious purposes. He is to cooperate with his proper
Bishop and with the presbyterium of the diocese. Moreover, he is to endeavour to ensure that the faithful are concerned for the community of the parish, that they feel themselves to be members both of the diocese and of the universal Church, and that they take part in and sustain works which promote this community.

§1. Officium pastoris sedulo ut adimpleat, parochus fideles suae curae commissos cognoscere satagat; ideo familias visitet, fidelium sollicitudines, angores et luctus praesertim participans eosque in Domino confortans necnon, si in quibusdam defecerint, prudenter corrigens; aegrotos, praesertim morti proximos, effusa caritate adiuvet, eos sollicite sacramentis reficiendo eorumque animas Deo commendando; peculiari diligentia prosequatur pauperes, afflictos, solitarios, e patria exsules itemque peculiaribus difficultatibus gravatos; allaboret etiam ut coniuges et parentes ad officia propria implenda sustineantur et in familia vitae christianae incrementum foveat.

§2. Partem quam christifideles laici in missione Ecclesiae propriam habent, parochus agnoscat et promoveat, consociationes eorundem ad fines religionis fovendo. Cum proprio Episcopo et cum dioecesis presbyterio cooperetur, allaborans etiam ut fideles communionis paroecialis curam habeant, iidemque tum dioecesis tum Ecclesiae universae membra se sentiant operaque ad eandem communionem promovendam participent vel sustineant.
Canon 530. The functions especially entrusted to the parish priest are as follows:

1° the administration of baptism;

2° the administration of the sacrament of confirmation to those in danger of death, in accordance with can. 883, n. 3;

3° the administration of Viaticum and of the anointing of the sick, without prejudice to cann. 1003 §§2 and 3, and the imparting of the apostolic blessing;

4° the assistance at marriages and the nuptial blessing;

5° the conducting of funerals;

6° the blessing of the baptismal font at paschal time, the conduct of processions outside the church, and the giving of solemn blessings outside the church;

7° the more solemn celebration of the Eucharist on Sundays and holydays of obligation.

Functiones specialiter parocho commissae sunt quae sequuntur:

1° administratio baptismi;

2° administratio sacramenti confirmationis iis qui in periculo mortis versantur, ad normam can. 883, n. 3;

3° administratio Viatici necnon unctionis infirmorum, firmo praescripto can. 1003, §§2 et 3, atque apostolicae benedictionis impertitio;

4° assistentia matrimoniis et benedictio nuptiarum;

5° persolutio funerum;

6° fontis baptismalis tempore paschali benedictio, ductus processionum extra ecclesiam, necnon benedictiones extra ecclesiam sollemnes;

7° celebratio eucharistica sollemnior diebus dominicis et festis de praecepto.
Canon 531. Even though another person has performed some parochial function, he is to give the offering he receives from the faithful on that occasion to the parish fund unless, in respect of voluntary offerings, there is a clear contrary intention on the donor’s part; it is for the diocesan Bishop, after consulting the council of priests, to prescribe regulations concerning the destination of these offerings and to provide for the remuneration of clerics who fulfil such a parochial function.

Licet paroeciale quoddam munus alius expleverit, oblationes quas hac occasione a christifidelibus recipit ad massam paroecialem deferat, nisi de contraria offerentis voluntate constet quoad oblationes voluntarias; Episcopo dioecesano, audito consilio presbyterali, competit statuere praescripta, quibus destinationi harum oblationum necnon remunerationi clericorum idem munus implentium provideatur.
Canon 532. In all juridical matters, the parish priest acts in the person of the parish, in accordance with the law. He is to ensure that the parish goods are administered in accordance with can. 1281-1288.

In omnibus negotiis iuridicis parochus personam gerit paroeciae, ad normam iuris; curet ut bona paroeciae administrentur ad normam can. 1281-1288.
Canon 533. §1 The parish priest is obliged to reside in the parochial house, near the church. In particular cases, however, where there is a just reason, the local Ordinary may permit him to reside elsewhere, especially in a house common to several priests, provided the carrying out of the parochial duties is properly and suitably catered for.

§2 Unless there is a grave reason to the contrary, the parish priest may each year be absent on holiday from his parish for a period not exceeding one month, continuous or otherwise. The days which the parish priest spends on the annual spiritual retreat are not reckoned in this period of vacation. For an absence from the parish of more than a week, however, the parish priest is bound to advise the local Ordinary.

§3 It is for the diocesan Bishop to establish norms by which, during the parish priest’s absence, the care of the parish is provided for by a priest with the requisite faculties.

§1. Parochus obligatione tenetur residendi in domo paroeciali prope ecclesiam; in casibus tamen particularibus, si iusta adsit causa, loci Ordinarius permittere potest ut alibi commoretur, praesertim in domo pluribus presbyteris communi, dummodo paroecialium perfunctioni munerum rite apteque sit provisum.

§2. Nisi gravis obstet ratio, parocho, feriarum gratia, licet quotannis a paroecia abesse ad summum per unum mensem continuum aut intermissum; quo in feriarum tempore dies non computantur, quibus semel in anno parochus spirituali recessui vacat; parochus autem, ut ultra hebdomadam a paroecia absit, tenetur de hoc loci Ordinarium monere.

§3. Episcopi dioecesani est normas statuere quibus prospiciatur ut, parochi absentia durante, curae provideatur paroeciae per sacerdotem debitis facultatibus instructum.
Canon 534. §1 When he has taken possession of his parish, the parish priest is bound on each Sunday and holyday of obligation in his diocese to apply the Mass for the people entrusted to him. If he is lawfully impeded from this celebration, he is to have someone else apply the Mass on these days or apply it himself on other days.

§2 A parish priest who has the care of several parishes is bound to apply only one
Mass on the days mentioned in §1, for all the people entrusted to him.

§3 A parish priest who has not discharged the obligations mentioned in §§1 and 2, is as soon as possible to apply for the people as many Masses as he has omitted.

§1. Parochus, post captam paroeciae possessionem, obligatione tenetur singulis diebus dominicis atque festis in sua dioecesi de praecepto Missam pro populo sibi commisso applicandi; qui vero ab hac celebratione legitime impediatur, iisdem diebus per alium aut aliis diebus per se ipse applicet.

§2. Parochus, qui plurium paroeciarum curam habet, diebus de quibus in §1, unam tantum Missam pro universo sibi commisso populo applicare tenetur.

§3. Parochus qui obligationi de qua in §§1 et 2 non satisfecerit, quam primum pro populo tot Missas applicet, quot omiserit.
Canon 535. §1 In each parish there are to be parochial registers, that is, of baptisms, of marriages and of deaths, and any other registers prescribed by the Episcopal
Conference or by the diocesan Bishop. The parish priest is to ensure that entries are accurately made and that the registers are carefully preserved.

§2. In the baptismal register, a note is also to be made of ascription to a Church ‘sui iuris’ or the transfer to another Church, as well as of confirmation and of all matters pertaining to the canonical status of the faithful by reason of marriage, without prejudice to the provision of can. 1133, adoption, the reception of sacred orders, the making of perpetual profession in a religious institute. These annotations are always to be stated on a Certificate of Baptism.
[revised wording according to m.p. De concordia inter Codices, 31.V.2016]

§3 Each parish is to have its own seal. Certificates concerning the canonical status of the faithful, and all acts which can have juridical significance, are to be signed by the parish priest or his delegate and secured with the parochial seal.

§4 In each parish there is to be an archive, in which the parochial books are to be kept, together with episcopal letters and other documents which it may be necessary or useful to preserve. On the occasion of visitation or at some other opportune time, the diocesan Bishop or his delegate is to inspect all of these matters. The parish priest is to take care that they do not fall into unauthorised hands.

§5 Older parochial registers are also to be carefully safeguarded, in accordance with the provisions of particular law.

§1. In unaquaque paroecia habeantur libri paroeciales, liber scilicet baptizatorum, matrimoniorum, defunctorum, aliique secundum Episcoporum conferentiae aut Episcopi dioecesani praescripta; prospiciat parochus ut iidem libri accurate conscribantur atque diligenter asserventur.

§2. In libro baptizatorum adnotentur quoque adscriptio Ecclesiae sui iuris vel ad aliam transitus, necnon confirmatio, item quae pertinent ad statum canonicum christifidelium, ratione matrimonii, salvo quidem praescripto can. 1133, ratione adoptionis, ratione suscepti ordinis sacri, necnon professionis perpetuae in instituto religioso emissae; eaeque adnotationes in documento accepti baptismi semper referantur.

§3. Unicuique paroeciae sit proprium sigillum; testimonia quae de statu canonico christifidelium dantur, sicut et acta omnia quae momentum iuridicum habere possunt, ab ipso parocho eiusve delegato subscribantur et sigillo paroeciali muniantur.

§4. In unaquaque paroecia habeatur tabularium seu archivum, in quo libri paroeciales custodiantur, una cum Episcoporum epistulis aliisque documentis, necessitatis utilitatisve causa servandis; quae omnia, ab Episcopo dioecesano eiusve delegato, visitationis vel alio opportuno tempore inspicienda, parochus caveat ne ad extraneorum manus perveniant.

§5. Libri paroeciales antiquiores quoque diligenter custodiantur, secundum praescripta iuris particularis.
Canon 536. §1 If, after consulting the council of priests, the diocesan Bishop considers it opportune, a pastoral council is to be established in each parish. In this council, which is presided over by the parish priest, Christ’s faithful, together with those who by virtue of their office are engaged in pastoral care in the parish, give their help in fostering pastoral action.

§2 The pastoral council has only a consultative vote, and it is regulated by the norms laid down by the diocesan Bishop.

§1. Si, de iudicio Episcopi dioecesani, audito consilio presbyterali, opportunum sit, in unaquaque paroecia constituatur consilium pastorale, cui parochus praeest et in quo christifideles una cum illis qui curam pastoralem vi officii sui in paroecia participant, ad actionem pastoralem fovendam suum adiutorium praestent.

§2. Consilium pastorale voto gaudet tantum consultivo et regitur normis ab Episcopo dioecesano statutis.
Canon 537. In each parish there is to be a finance committee to help the parish priest in the administration of the goods of the parish, without prejudice to can. 532. It is ruled by the universal law and by the norms laid down by the diocesan Bishop, and it is comprised of members of the faithful selected according to these norms.

In unaquaque paroecia habeatur consilium a rebus oeconomicis, quod praeterquam iure universali, regitur normis ab Episcopo dioecesano latis et in quo christifideles, secundum easdem normas selecti, parocho in administratione bonorum paroeciae adiutorio sint, firmo praescripto can. 532.
Canon 538. §1 A parish priest ceases to hold office by removal or transfer effected by the diocesan Bishop in accordance with the law; by his personal resignation, for a just reason, which for validity requires that it be accepted by the diocesan Bishop; and by the lapse of time if, in accordance with the particular law mentioned in can.
522, he was appointed for a specified period of time.

§2 A parish priest who is a member of a religious institute or is incardinated in a society of apostolic life, is removed in accordance with can. 682 §2.

§3 A parish priest who has completed his seventy fifth year of age is requested to offer his resignation from office to the diocesan Bishop who, after considering all the circumstances of person and place, is to decide whether to accept or defer it. Having taken account of the norms laid down by the Episcopal Conference, the diocesan
Bishop must make provision for the appropriate maintenance and residence of the priest who has resigned.

§1. Parochus ab officio cessat amotione aut translatione ab Episcopo dioecesano ad normam iuris peracta, renuntiatione iusta de causa ab ipso parocho facta et, ut valeat, ab eodem Episcopo acceptata, necnon lapsu temporis si, iuxta iuris particularis de quo in can. 522 praescripta, ad tempus determinatum constitutus fuerit.

§2. Parochus, qui est sodalis instituti religiosi aut in societate vitae apostolicae incardinatus, ad normam can. 682, §2 amovetur.

§3. Parochus, expleto septuagesimo quinto aetatis anno, rogatur ut renuntiationem ab officio exhibeat Episcopo dioecesano, qui, omnibus personae et loci inspectis adiunctis, de eadem acceptanda aut differenda decernat; renuntiantis congruae sustentationi et habitationi ab Episcopo dioecesano providendum est, attentis normis ab Episcoporum conferentia statutis.
Canon 539. When a parish is vacant, or when the parish priest is prevented from exercising his pastoral office in the parish by reason of imprisonment, exile or
banishment, or by reason of incapacity or ill health or some other cause, the diocesan
Bishop is as soon as possible to appoint a parochial administrator, that is, a priest who will take the place of the parish priest in accordance with can. 540.

Cum vacat paroecia aut cum parochus ratione captivitatis, exsilii vel relegationis, inhabilitatis vel infirmae valetudinis aliusve causae a munere pastorali in paroecia exercendo praepeditur, ab Episcopo dioecesano quam primum deputetur administrator paroecialis, sacerdos scilicet qui parochi vicem suppleat ad normam can. 540.
Canon 540. §1 The parochial administrator is bound by the same obligations and has the same rights as a parish priest, unless the diocesan Bishop prescribes otherwise.

§2 The parochial administrator may not do anything which could prejudice the rights of the parish priest or could do harm to parochial property.

§3 When he has discharged his office, the parochial administrator is to give an account to the parish priest.

§1. Administrator paroecialis iisdem adstringitur officiis iisdemque gaudet iuribus ac parochus, nisi ab Episcopo dioecesano aliter statuatur.

§2. Administratori paroeciali nihil agere licet, quod praeiudicium afferat iuribus parochi aut damno esse possit bonis paroecialibus.

§3. Administrator paroecialis post expletum munus parocho rationem reddat.
Canon 541. §1 When a parish is vacant, or when the parish priest is impeded from exercising his pastoral office, pending the appointment of a parochial administrator the interim governance of the parish is to be undertaken by the assistant priest; if there are a number of assistants, by the senior by appointment; if there are none, by the parish priest determined by particular law.

§2 The one who has undertaken the governance of the parish in accordance with §1, is at once to inform the local Ordinary of the parish vacancy.

§1. Vacante paroecia itemque parocho a munere pastorali exercendo impedito, ante administratoris paroecialis constitutionem, paroeciae regimen interim assumat vicarius paroecialis; si plures sint, is qui sit nominatione antiquior, et si vicarii desint, parochus iure particulari definitus.

§2. Qui paroeciae regimen ad normam §1 assumpserit, loci Ordinarium de paroeciae vacatione statim certiorem faciat.
Canon 542. The priests to whom, in accordance with can. 516 §1[1],is jointly entrusted the pastoral care of a parish or of a number of parishes together:

1° must possess the qualities mentioned in can. 521;

2° are to be appointed in accordance with cann. 522 and 524;

3° obtain the pastoral care only from the moment of taking possession: their moderator is put into possession in accordance with can. 527 §2; for the other priests, the profession of faith lawfully made replaces the taking of possession.

Sacerdotes quibus in solidum, ad normam can. 517, §1, alicuius paroeciae aut diversarum simul paroeciarum cura pastoralis committitur:

1° praediti sint oportet qualitatibus, de quibus in can. 521;

2° nominentur vel instituantur ad normam praescriptorum can. 522 et 524;

3° curam pastoralem obtinent tantum a momento captae possessionis; eorundem moderator in possessionem mittitur ad normam praescriptorum can. 527, §2; pro ceteris vero sacerdotibus fidei professio legitime facta locum tenet captae possessionis.
Canon 543. §1 Each of the priests to whom the care of a parish or of a number of parishes together is jointly entrusted, is bound to fulfil the duties and functions of a parish priest mentioned in cann. 528, 529 and 530. They are to do this according to a plan determined among themselves. The faculty to assist at marriages, and all the faculties to dispense which are given to a parish priest by virtue of the law itself, belong to all, but are to be exercised under the direction of the moderator.

§2 All the priests who belong to the group:

1° are bound by the obligation of residence;

2° are by common counsel to establish an arrangement by which one of them celebrates the Mass for the people, in accordance with can. 534.

3° [2]in juridical affairs, only the moderator acts in the person of the parish or parishes entrusted to the group.

§1. Si sacerdotibus in solidum cura pastoralis alicuius paroeciae aut diversarum simul paroeciarum committatur, singuli eorum, iuxta ordinationem ab iisdem statutam, obligatione tenentur munera et functiones parochi persolvendi de quibus in can. 528, 529 et 530; facultas matrimoniis assistendi, sicuti et potestates omnes dispensandi ipso iure parocho concessae, omnibus competunt; exercendae tamen sunt sub directione moderatoris.

§2. Sacerdotes omnes qui ad coetum pertinent:

1° obligatione tenentur residentiae;

2° communi consilio ordinationem statuant, qua eorum unus Missam pro populo celebret, ad normam can. 534;

3° solus moderator in negotiis iuridicis personam gerit paroeciae aut paroeciarum coetui commissarum.
Canon 544. When one of the priests, or the moderator, of the group mentioned in can.
517 §1 ceases to hold office, or when any member of it becomes incapable of exercising his pastoral office, the parish or parishes whose care is entrusted to the group do not become vacant. It is for the diocesan Bishop to appoint another moderator; until he is appointed by the Bishop, the priest of the group who is senior by appointment is to fulfil this office.

Cum cesset ab officio aliquis sacerdos e coetu, de quo in can. 517, §1, vel coetus moderator, itemque cum eorundem aliquis inhabilis fiat ad munus pastorale exercendum, non vacat paroecia vel paroeciae, quarum cura coetui committitur; Episcopi autem dioecesani est alium nominare moderatorem; antequam vero ab Episcopo alius nominetur, hoc munus adimpleat sacerdos eiusdem coetus nominatione antiquior.
Canon 545. §1 Whenever it is necessary or opportune for the due pastoral care of the parish, one or more assistant priests can be joined with the parish priest. As cooperators with the parish priest and sharers in his concern, they are, by common counsel and effort with the parish priest and under his authority, to labour in the pastoral ministry.

§2 An assistant priest may be appointed either to help in exercising the entire pastoral ministry, whether in the whole parish or in a part of it or for a particular group of the faithful within it, or even to help in carrying out a specific ministry in a number of parishes at the same time.

§1. Quoties ad pastoralem paroeciae curam debite adimplendam necesse aut opportunum sit, parocho adiungi possunt unus aut plures vicarii paroeciales, qui, tamquam parochi cooperatores eiusque sollicitudinis participes, communi cum parocho consilio et studio, atque sub eiusdem auctoritate operam in ministerio pastorali praestent.

§2. Vicarius paroecialis constitui potest sive ut opem ferat in universo ministerio pastorali explendo, et quidem aut pro tota paroecia aut pro determinata paroeciae parte aut pro certo paroeciae christifidelium coetu, sive etiam ut operam impendat in certum ministerium in diversis simul paroeciis persolvendum.
Canon 546. To be validly appointed an assistant priest, one must be in the sacred order of priesthood.

Ut quis valide vicarius paroecialis nominetur, oportet sit in sacro presbyteratus ordine constitutus.
Canon 547. The diocesan Bishop freely appoints an assistant priest; if he has judged it opportune, he will have consulted the parish priest or parish priests of the parishes to which the assistant is appointed, and the Vicar forane, without prejudice to can. 682

Vicarium paroecialem libere nominat Episcopus dioecesanus, auditis, si opportunum id iudicaverit, parocho aut parochis paroeciarum pro quibus constituitur, necnon vicario foraneo, firmo praescripto can. 682, §1.
Canon 548. §1 The obligations and rights of assistant priests are defined not only by the canons of this chapter, but also by the diocesan statutes, and by the letter of the diocesan Bishop ; they are more specifically determined by the directions of the parish priest.

§2 Unless it is otherwise expressly provided in the letter of the diocesan Bishop, the assistant priest is by virtue of his office bound to help the parish priest in the entire parochial ministry, with the exception of the application of the Mass for the people.
Likewise, if the matter should arise in accordance with the law, he is bound to take the place of the parish priest.

§3 The assistant priest is to report regularly to the parish priest on pastoral initiatives, both those planned and those already undertaken. In this way the parish priest and the assistant or assistants can by their joint efforts provide a pastoral care of the parish for which they are together answerable.

§1. Vicarii paroecialis obligationes et iura, praeterquam canonibus huius capitis, statutis dioecesanis necnon litteris Episcopi dioecesani definiuntur, specialius autem mandato parochi determinantur.

§2. Nisi aliud expresse litteris Episcopi dioecesani caveatur, vicarius paroecialis ratione officii obligatione tenetur parochum in universo paroeciali ministerio adiuvandi, excepta quidem applicatione Missae pro populo, itemque, si res ferat ad normam iuris, parochi vicem supplendi.

§3. Vicarius paroecialis regulariter de inceptis pastoralibus prospectis et susceptis ad parochum referat, ita ut parochus et vicarius aut vicarii, coniunctis viribus, pastorali curae providere valeant paroeciae, cuius simul sunt sponsores.
Canon 549. When the parish priest is absent, the norms of can. 541 §1 are to be observed, unless the diocesan Bishop has provided otherwise in accordance with can.
533 §3, or unless a parochial administrator has been appointed. If can. 541 §1 is applied, the assistant priest is bound by all the obligations of the parish priest, with the exception of the obligation to apply the Mass for the people.

Absente parocho, nisi aliter Episcopus dioecesanus providerit ad normam can. 533, §3, et nisi Administrator paroecialis constitutus fuerit, serventur praescripta can. 541, §1; vicarius hoc in casu omnibus etiam obligationibus tenetur parochi, excepta obligatione applicandi Missam pro populo.
Canon 550. §1 The assistant priest is bound to reside in the parish or, if he is appointed for a number of parishes at the same time, in one of them. For a just reason, however, the local Ordinary may permit him to reside elsewhere, especially in a house common to several priests, provided the carrying out of the pastoral duties does not in any way suffer thereby.

§2 The local Ordinary is to see to it that, where it is possible, some manner of common life in the parochial house be encouraged between the parish priest and the assistants.

§3 As far as holidays are concerned, the assistant priest has the same rights as the parish priest.

§1. Vicarius paroecialis obligatione tenetur residendi in paroecia aut, si pro diversis simul paroeciis constitutus est, in earum aliqua; loci tamen Ordinarius, iusta de causa, permittere potest ut alibi resideat, praesertim in domo pluribus presbyteris communi, dummodo pastoralium perfunctio munerum nullum exinde detrimentum capiat.

§2. Curet loci Ordinarius ut inter parochum et vicarios aliqua vitae communis consuetudo in domo paroeciali, ubi id fieri possit, provehatur.

§3. Ad tempus feriarum quod attinet, vicarius paroecialis eodem gaudet iure ac parochus.
Canon 551. The provisions of can. 531 are to be observed in respect of offerings which
Christ’s faithful make to the assistant priest on the occasion of his exercise of the pastoral ministry.

Ad oblationes quod attinet, quas occasione perfuncti ministerii pastoralis christifideles vicario faciunt, serventur praescripta can. 531.
Canon 552. Without prejudice to can. 682 §2, an assistant priest may for a just reason be removed by the diocesan Bishop or the diocesan Administrator.

Vicarius paroecialis ab Episcopo dioecesano aut ab Administratore dioecesano amoveri potest, iusta de causa, firmo praescripto can. 682, §2.

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