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The People of God » Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life » Institutes of Consecrated Life » Religious Institutes » Conferences of major superiors
Canon 708. Major Superiors can usefully meet together in conferences and councils, so that by combined effort they may work to achieve more fully the purpose of each institute, while respecting the autonomy, nature and spirit of each. They can also deal with affairs which are common to all, and work to establish suitable coordination and cooperation with Episcopal Conferences and with individual Bishops.

Superiores maiores utiliter in conferentiis seu consiliis consociari possunt ut, collatis viribus, allaborent sive ad finem singulorum institutorum plenius assequendum, salvis semper eorum autonomia, indole proprioque spiritu, sive ad communia negotia pertractanda, sive ad congruam coordinationem et cooperationem cum Episcoporum conferentiis et etiam cum singulis Episcopis instaurandam.
Canon 709. Conferences of major Superiors are to have their own statutes, which must be approved by the Holy See. Only the Holy See can establish them or give them juridical personality. They remain under the ultimate direction of the Holy See.

Conferentiae Superiorum maiorum sua habeant statuta a Sancta Sede approbata, a qua unice, etiam in personam iuridicam, erigi possunt et sub cuius supremo moderamine manent.

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