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The Teaching Function of the Church » The Ministry of the Divine Word
Canon 756. §1 The office of preaching the Gospel to the whole Church has been committed principally to the Roman Pontiff and to the College of Bishops.

§2 For the particular Churches entrusted to them, that office is exercised by the individual Bishops, who are the moderators of the entire ministry of the word in their
Churches. Sometimes, however, in accordance with the law, a number of Bishops simultaneously carry out that office together in respect of a number of different

§1. Quoad universam Ecclesiam munus Evangelii annuntiandi praecipue Romano Pontifici et Collegio Episcoporum commissum est.

§2. Quoad Ecclesiam particularem sibi concreditam illud munus exercent singuli Episcopi, qui quidem totius ministerii verbi in eadem sunt moderatores; quandoque vero aliqui Episcopi coniunctim illud explent quoad diversas simul Ecclesias, ad normam iuris.
Canon 757. It belongs to priests, as co-operators of the Bishops, to proclaim the Gospel of God. For the people entrusted to their care, this task rests especially on parish priests, and on other priests entrusted with the care of souls. Deacons also are to serve the people of God in the ministry of the word, in union with the Bishop and his presbyterium.

Presbyterorum, qui quidem Episcoporum cooperatores sunt, proprium est Evangelium Dei annuntiare; praesertim hoc officio tenentur, quoad populum sibi commissum, parochi aliique quibus cura animarum concreditur; diaconorum etiam est in ministerio verbi populo Dei, in communione cum Episcopo eiusque presbyterio, inservire.
Canon 758. By reason of their consecration to God, members of institutes of consecrated life bear particular witness to the Gospel, and so are fittingly called upon by the Bishop to help in proclaiming the Gospel.

Sodales institutorum vitae consecratae, vi propriae Deo consecrationis, peculiari modo Evangelii testimonium reddunt, iidemque in Evangelio annuntiando ab Episcopo in auxilium convenienter assumuntur.
Canon 759. The lay members of Christ’s faithful, by reason of their baptism and confirmation, are witnesses to the good news of the Gospel, by their words and by the example of their christian life. They can also be called upon to cooperate with
Bishops and priests in the exercise of the ministry of the word.

Christifideles laici, vi baptismatis et confirmationis, verbo et vitae christianae exemplo evangelici nuntii sunt testes; vocari etiam possunt ut in exercitio ministerii verbi cum Episcopo et presbyteris cooperentur.
Canon 760. The mystery of Christ is to be faithfully and fully presented in the ministry of the word, which must be founded upon sacred Scripture, Tradition, liturgy and the magisterium and life of the Church.

In ministerio verbi, quod sacra Scriptura, Traditione, liturgia, magisterio vitaque Ecclesiae innitatur oportet, Christi mysterium integre ac fideliter proponatur.
Canon 761. While pride of place must always be given to preaching and catechetical instruction, all the available means of proclaiming christian doctrine are to be used: the exposition of doctrine in schools, in institutes of higher learning, at conferences and meetings of all kinds; public declarations by lawful authority on the occasion of certain events; the printed word and other means of social communication.

Varia media ad doctrinam christianam annuntiandam adhibeantur quae praesto sunt, imprimis praedicatio atque catechetica institutio, quae quidem semper principem locum tenent, sed et propositio doctrinae in scholis, in academiis, conferentiis et coadunationibus omnis generis, necnon eiusdem diffusio per declarationes publicas a legitima auctoritate occasione quorundam eventuum factas, prelo aliisque instrumentis communicationis socialis.
The Teaching Function of the Church » The Ministry of the Divine Word » The preaching of the word of God
Canon 762. The people of God are first united through the word of the living God, and are fully entitled to seek this word from their priests. For this reason sacred ministers are to consider the office of preaching as of great importance, since proclaiming the
Gospel of God to all is among their principal duties.

Cum Dei populus primum coadunetur verbo Dei vivi, quod ex ore sacerdotum omnino fas est requirere, munus praedicationis magni habeant sacri ministri, inter quorum praecipua officia sit Evangelium Dei omnibus annuntiare.
Canon 763. Bishops have the right to preach the word of God everywhere, even in churches and oratories of religious institutes of pontifical right, unless the local
Bishop has expressly forbidden it in particular cases.

Episcopis ius est ubique, non exclusis ecclesiis et oratoriis institutorum religiosorum iuris pontificii, Dei verbum praedicare, nisi Episcopus loci in casibus particularibus expresse renuerit.
Canon 764. Without prejudice to the provisions of can. 765, priests and deacons, with the at least presumed consent of the rector of a church, have the faculty to preach everywhere, unless this faculty has been restricted or removed by the competent
Ordinary, or unless particular law requires express permission.

Salvo praescripto can. 765, facultate ubique praedicandi, de consensu saltem praesumpto rectoris ecclesiae exercenda, gaudent presbyteri et diaconi, nisi ab Ordinario competenti eadem facultas restricta fuerit aut sublata, aut lege particulari licentia expressa requiratur.
Canon 765. To preach to religious in their churches or oratories, permission is required of the Superior who is competent according to their constitutions.

Ad praedicandum religiosis in eorum ecclesiis vel oratoriis licentia requiritur Superioris ad normam constitutionum competentis.
Canon 766. The laity may be allowed to preach in a church or oratory if in certain circumstances it is necessary, or in particular cases it would be advantageous, according to the provisions of the Episcopal Conference and without prejudice to can. 767 §1.

Ad praedicandum in ecclesia vel oratorio admitti possunt laici, si certis in adiunctis necessitas id requirat aut in casibus particularibus utilitas id suadeat, iuxta Episcoporum conferentiae praescripta, et salvo can. 767, §1.
Canon 767. §1 The most important form of preaching is the homily, which is part of the liturgy, and is reserved to a priest or deacon. In the course of the liturgical year, the mysteries of faith and the rules of christian living are to be expounded in the homily from the sacred text.
[NB see Authentic Interpretation of canon 767 §1, 20.VI.1987]

§2 At all Masses on Sundays and holydays of obligation, celebrated with a congregation, there is to be a homily and, except for a grave reason, this may not be omitted.

§3 It is strongly recommended that, if a sufficient number of people are present, there be a homily at weekday Masses also, especially during Advent and Lent, or on a feast day or an occasion of grief.

§4 It is the responsibility of the parish priest or the rector of a church to ensure that these provisions are carefully observed.

§1. Inter praedicationis formas eminet homilia, quae est pars ipsius liturgiae et sacerdoti aut diacono reservatur; in eadem per anni liturgici cursum ex textu sacro fidei mysteria et normae vitae christianae exponantur.

§2. In omnibus Missis diebus dominicis et festis de praecepto, quae concursu populi celebrantur, homilia habenda est nec omitti potest nisi gravi de causa.

§3. Valde commendatur ut, si sufficiens detur populi concursus, homilia habeatur etiam in Missis quae infra hebdomadam, praesertim tempore adventus et quadragesimae aut occasione alicuius festi vel luctuosi eventus, celebrentur.

§4. Parochi aut ecclesiae rectoris est curare ut haec praescripta religiose serventur.
Canon 768. §1 Those who announce the word of God to Christ’s faithful are first and foremost to set out those things which it is necessary to believe and to practise for the glory of God and the salvation of all.

§2 They are also to explain to the faithful the teaching of the magisterium of the
Church concerning the dignity and freedom of the human person; the unity, stability and duties of the family; people’s social obligations and the ordering of temporal affairs according to the plan established by God.

§1. Divini verbi praecones christifidelibus imprimis proponant quae ad Dei gloriam hominumque salutem credere et facere oportet.

§2. Impertiant quoque fidelibus doctrinam, quam Ecclesiae magisterium proponit de personae humanae dignitate et libertate, de familiae unitate et stabilitate eiusque muniis, de obligationibus quae ad homines in societate coniunctos pertinent, necnon de rebus temporalibus iuxta ordinem a Deo statutum componendis.
Canon 769. Christian teaching is to be explained in a manner that is suited to the condition of the hearers and adapted to the circumstances of the times.

Doctrina christiana proponatur modo auditorum condicioni accommodato atque ratione temporum necessitatibus aptata.
Canon 770. At certain times, according to the regulations of the diocesan Bishop, parish priests are to arrange for sermons in the form of retreats and missions, as they are called, or in other forms adapted to requirements.

Parochi certis temporibus, iuxta Episcopi dioecesani praescripta, illas ordinent praedicationes, quas exercitia spiritualia et sacras missiones vocant, vel alias formas necessitatibus aptatas.
Canon 771. §1 Pastors of souls, especially Bishops and parish priests, are to be solicitous that the word of God is preached to those also of the faithful who, because of the circumstances of their lives, cannot sufficiently avail themselves of the ordinary pastoral care or are even totally deprived of it.

§2 They are also to take care that the good news of the Gospel reaches those living in their territory who are non-believers, since these too, no less than the faithful, must be included in the care of souls.

§1. Solliciti sint animarum pastores, praesertim Episcopi et parochi, ut Dei verbum iis quoque fidelibus nuntietur, qui ob vitae suae condicionem communi et ordinaria cura pastorali non satis fruantur aut eadem penitus careant.

§2. Provideant quoque, ut Evangelii nuntium perveniat ad non credentes in territorio degentes, quippe quos, non secus ac fideles, animarum cura complecti debeat.
Canon 772. §1 In the exercise of the office of preaching, everyone is moreover to observe the norms laid down by the Bishop of the diocese.

§2 In expounding christian teaching on radio or television, the provisions of the
Episcopal Conference are to be observed.

§1. Ad exercitium praedicationis quod attinet, ab omnibus praeterea serventur normae ab Episcopo dioecesano latae.

§2. Ad sermonem de doctrina christiana faciendum via radiophonica aut televisifica, serventur praescripta ab Episcoporum conferentia statuta.
The Teaching Function of the Church » The Ministry of the Divine Word » Catechetical instruction
Canon 773. It is pastors of souls especially who have the serious duty of attending to the catechesis of the christian people, so that, through doctrinal formation and the experience of the christian life, the living faith of the people may be manifest and active.

Proprium et grave officium pastorum praesertim animarum est catechesim populi christiani curare, ut fidelium fides, per doctrinae institutionem et vitae christianae experientiam, viva fiat explicita atque operosa.
Canon 774. §1 The care for catechesis, under the direction of lawful ecclesiastical authority, extends to all members of the Church, to each according to his or her role.
[NB see m.p. Antiquum ministerium, 10.V.2021]

§2 Before all others, parents are bound to form their children, by word and example, in faith and in christian living. The same obligation binds godparents and those who take the place of parents.

§1. Sollicitudo catechesis, sub moderamine legitimae ecclesiasticae auctoritatis, ad omnia Ecclesiae membra pro sua cuiusque parte pertinet.

§2. Prae ceteris parentes obligatione tenentur verbo et exemplo filios in fide et vitae christianae praxi efformandi; pari obligatione adstringuntur, qui parentum locum tenent atque patrini.
Canon 775. §1 While observing provisions made by the Apostolic See it is the responsibility of diocesan Bishops to issue norms concerning catechetical matters; to ensure that appropriate means of catechesis are available, even by preparing a catechism, if this seems opportune; to foster and to coordinate catechetical initiatives.

§2 If it seems useful, it is for the conference of bishops to take care that catechisms are issued for its territory, with the previous confirmation of the Apostolic See.
[revised wording according to m.p. Competentias quasdam decernere, 11.II.2022]

§3 The Episcopal Conference may establish a catechetical office, whose principal purpose is to assist individual dioceses in catechetical matters.

§1. Servatis praescriptis ab Apostolica Sede latis, Episcopi dioecesani est normas de re catechetica edicere itemque prospicere ut apta catechesis instrumenta praesto sint, catechismum etiam parando, si opportunum id videatur, necnon incepta catechetica fovere atque coordinare.

§2. Episcoporum conferentiae est, si utile videatur, curare, ut catechismi pro suo territorio, praevia Sedis Apostolicae confirmatione, edantur.

§3. Apud Episcoporum conferentiam institui potest officium catecheticum, cuius praecipuum munus sit singulis dioecesibus in re catechetica auxilium praebere.
Canon 776. By virtue of his office, the parish priest is bound to ensure the catechetical formation of adults, young people and children. To this end, he is to avail himself of the help of clerics attached to the parish, as well as of members of institutes of consecrated life and of societies of apostolic life, being mindful of the character of each institute; and the assistance of lay members of Christ’s faithful, especially catechists. All of these, unless they are lawfully impeded, are not to refuse to give their labours willingly. The parish priest is also to promote and to foster the role of parents in the family catechesis mentioned in can. 774, §2.

Parochus, vi sui muneris, catecheticam efformationem adultorum, iuvenum et puerorum curare tenetur, quem in finem sociam sibi operam adhibeat clericorum paroeciae addictorum, sodalium institutorum vitae consecratae necnon societatum vitae apostolicae, habita ratione indolis uniuscuiusque instituti, necnon christifidelium laicorum, praesertim catechistarum; hi omnes, nisi legitime impediti, operam suam libenter praestare ne renuant. Munus parentum, in catechesi familiari, de quo in can. 774, §2, promoveat et foveat.
Canon 777. In a special way, the parish priest is to ensure, in accordance with the norms laid down by the diocesan Bishop, that:

1° an adequate catechesis is given for the celebration of the sacraments;

2° children are properly prepared for first confession and first holy communion, and for the sacrament of confirmation, by means of catechetical formation over an appropriate period of time;

3° children, after they have made their first holy communion, are given a richer and deeper catechetical formation;

4° as far as their condition allows, catechetical formation is given to the mentally and physically handicapped;

5° the faith of young people and of adults is strengthened, enlightened and developed by various catechetical methods and initiatives .

Peculiari modo parochus, attentis normis ab Episcopo dioecesano statutis, curet:

1° ut apta catechesis impertiatur pro sacramentorum celebratione;

2° ut pueri, ope catecheticae institutionis per congruum tempus impertitae, rite praeparentur ad primam receptionem sacramentorum paenitentiae et sanctissimae Eucharistiae necnon ad sacramentum confirmationis;

3° ut iidem, prima communione recepta, uberius ac profundius catechetica efformatione excolantur;

4° ut catechetica institutio iis etiam tradatur, quantum eorum condicio sinat, qui corpore vel mente sint praepediti;

5° ut iuvenum et adultorum fides, variis formis et inceptis, muniatur, illuminetur atque evolvatur.
Canon 778. Religious Superiors and Superiors of societies of apostolic life are to ensure that catechetical formation is diligently given in their churches and schools, and in other works in any way entrusted to their care.

Curent Superiores religiosi et societatum vitae apostolicae ut in suis ecclesiis, scholis aliisve operibus sibi quoquo modo concreditis, catechetica institutio sedulo impertiatur.
Canon 779. Catechetical formation is to be given by employing all those aids, educational resources and means of communication which seem the more effective in securing that the faithful, according to their character capability, age and circumstances of life, may be more fully steeped in catholic teaching and prepared to put it into practice.

Institutio catechetica tradatur omnibus adhibitis auxiliis, subsidiis didacticis et communicationis socialis instrumentis, quae efficaciora videantur ut fideles, ratione eorum indoli, facultatibus et aetati necnon vitae condicionibus aptata, plenius catholicam doctrinam ediscere eamque aptius in praxim deducere valeant.
Canon 780. Local Ordinaries are to ensure that catechists are duly trained to carry out their office properly, namely, that continuing formation is available to them, that they have an appropriate knowledge of the teaching of the Church, and that they learn both the theory and the practice of the principles of pedagogy.

Curent locorum Ordinarii ut catechistae ad munus suum rite explendum debite praeparentur, ut nempe continua formatio ipsis praebeatur, idemque Ecclesiae doctrinam apte cognoscant atque normas disciplinis paedagogicis proprias theoretice ac practice addiscant.

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