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Paragraph 43. Consecrated women cultivate a sense of gratitude for all the gifts that they have received within the communion of saints, and that they continue to receive through the life of the particular Church in which they live: faith in the Lord Jesus, virginal consecration, a share in the history of sanctity incarnate in a spiritual tradition, developed in relation to the culture and institutions of a specific human community living in a certain place.

They pay constant attention to the magisterium of the diocesan Bishop and they respond to his pastoral decisions, accepting them responsibly, with intelligence and creativity.

They bring to prayer the needs of the Diocese and, in particular, the intentions of the Bishop.

They acknowledge as gifts of the Spirit the testimony of the other vocations that enrich the life of the Christian community and they benefit from opportunities for mutual edification and of pastoral, missionary, and charitable cooperation.

With their own feminine sensitivity, they offer their experience and reflection as a valuable contribution to the evangelical discernment that the Christian community is called to engage in at all times, regarding its manner of presence and action in the specific social context.
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