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Processes » The Method of Proceeding in Administrative Recourse and in the Removal or Transfer of Pastors » The Procedure in the Removal or Transfer of Pastors » The manner of proceeding in the transfer of pastors
Canon 1748. The good of souls or the necessity or advantage of the
Church may demand that a parish priest be transferred from his own parish, which he governs satisfactorily, to another parish or another office. In these circumstances, the
Bishop is to propose the transfer to him in writing and persuade him to consent, for the love of God and of souls.
Canon 1749. If the parish priest proposes not to acquiesce in the Bishop’s advice and persuasion, he is to give his reasons in writing.
Canon 1750. Despite the reasons put forward, the Bishop may judge that he should not withdraw from his proposal. In this case, together with two parish priests chosen in accordance with can. 1742 §1, he is to weigh the reasons which favour and those which oppose the transfer. If the Bishop still considers that the transfer should proceed, he is again to renew his fatherly exhortation to the parish priest.
Canon 1751. §1 If, when these things have been done, the parish priest still refuses and the Bishop still believes that a transfer ought to take place, the Bishop is to issue a decree of transfer stating that, when a prescribed time has elapsed, the parish shall be vacant.

§2 When this time has elapsed without result, he is to declare the parish vacant.
Canon 1752. In cases of transfer, the provisions of can. 1747 are to be applied, always observing canonical equity and keeping in mind the salvation of souls, which in the
Church must always be the supreme law.

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