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The People of God » Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life » Institutes of Consecrated Life » Religious Institutes » Religious houses and their creation and suppression
Canon 608. A religious community is to live in a lawfully constituted house, under the authority of a Superior designated according to the norms of law. Each house is to have at least an oratory, in which the Eucharist is celebrated and reserved, so that it may truly be the centre of the community.
Canon 609. §1 A house of a religious institute is established, with the prior written consent of the diocesan Bishop, by the authority competent according to the constitutions.

§2 For the establishment of a monastery of cloistered nuns, the permission of the
Apostolic See is also required.
Canon 610. §1 In establishing religious houses, the welfare of the Church and of the institute are to be kept in mind, and care must be taken to safeguard everything that is necessary for the members to lead their religious life in accordance with the purposes and spirit proper to the institute.

§2 No house is to be established unless it is prudently foreseen that the needs of the members can be suitably provided for.
Canon 611. The consent of the diocesan Bishop for the establishment of a religious house carries with it the right:

1° to lead a life according to the character and purposes proper to the institute;

2° to engage in the works which are proper to the institute, in accordance with the law, and subject to any conditions attached to the consent;

3° for clerical religious institutes to have a church, subject to the provisions of can.
1215 §3, and to conduct the sacred ministries, with due observance of the law.
Canon 612. The consent of the diocesan Bishop is required if a religious house is to be used for apostolic works other than those for which it was established. This permission is not required for a change which, while observing the laws of the foundation, concerns only internal governance and discipline.
Canon 613. §1 A religious house of canons regular or of monks under the governance and care of their own Moderator is autonomous, unless the constitutions decree otherwise.

§2 The Moderator of an autonomous house is by law a major Superior.
Canon 614. Monasteries of cloistered nuns which are associated with an institute of men, have their own rule of life and governance, in accordance with the constitutions.
The mutual rights and obligations are to be defined in such a way that spiritual good may come from the association.
Canon 615. If an autonomous monastery has no major Superior other than its own
Moderator, and is not associated with any institute of religious in such a way that the
Superior of that institute has over the monastery a real authority determined by the constitutions, it is entrusted, in accordance with the norms of law, to the special vigilance of the diocesan Bishop.
Canon 616. §1 After consultation with the diocesan Bishop, a supreme Moderator can suppress a lawfully established religious house, in accordance with the constitutions.
The institute’s own law is to make provision for the disposal of the goods of the suppressed house, with due regard for the wishes of founders or benefactors and for lawfully acquired rights.

§2 The Holy See alone can suppress the sole house of an institute, in which case it is also reserved to the Holy See to prescribe concerning the property of the house.

§3 Unless the constitutions enact otherwise, the suppression of the autonomous houses mentioned in can. 613 belongs to the general chapter.

§4 The suppression of an autonomous monastery of cloistered nuns pertains to the
Apostolic See; the provisions of the constitutions are to be observed concerning the property of the monastery.

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