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Paragraph 41. They develop a sense of gratitude for God’s work, contemplation filled with praise, a taste for beauty, a sensitivity to both festivity and relaxation, attention to every dimension of the person.

They learn from the Bridegroom, meek and humble of heart (Mt 11:29), to live in hope and to abandon to God their advancing age, with its successive phases of life, illness, moral suffering and other situations in which they experience the drama, fragility and uncertainty of existence.

Right to the end they embrace the spousal love of the Crucified and Risen one, entrusting themselves to Him, expressing even in death the paschal meaning of existence.

Through their personal consecration they remind everyone that the origin, the direction and the goal of human history is found in the holy mystery of God, in his infinite prevenient and merciful goodness and in the love that he wants to share with all creatures.
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