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The Sanctifying Function of the Church » The Sacraments » Marriage » Specific diriment impediments
Canon 1086. §1 A marriage between two persons, one of whom was baptized in the
Catholic Church or received into it, and the other of whom is not baptized, is invalid.
[revised wording according to m.p. Omnium in mentem, 26.X.2009]

§2 This impediment is not to be dispensed unless the conditions mentioned in cann.
1125 and 1126 have been fulfilled.

§3 If at the time the marriage was contracted one party was commonly understood to be baptised, or if his or her baptism was doubtful, the validity of the marriage is to be presumed in accordance with can. 1060, until it is established with certainty that one party was baptised and the other was not.
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