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The Sanctifying Function of the Church » The Sacraments » Marriage » Matrimonial consent
Canon 1105. §1 For a marriage by proxy to be valid, it is required:

1° that there be a special mandate to contract with a specific person;

2° that the proxy be designated by the mandator and personally discharge this function;

§2 For the mandate to be valid, it is to be signed by the mandator, and also by the parish priest or local Ordinary of the place in which the mandate is given or by a priest delegated by either of them or by at least two witnesses, or it is to be drawn up in a document which is authentic according to the civil law.

§3 If the mandator cannot write, this is to be recorded in the mandate and another witness added who is also to sign the document; otherwise, the mandate is invalid.

§4 If the mandator revokes the mandate, or becomes insane, before the proxy contracts in his or her name, the marriage is invalid, even though the proxy or the other contracting party is unaware of the fact.
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