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General Norms » Physical and Juridic Person » The Canonical Condition of Physical Persons
Canon 111. §1 Through the reception of baptism a child is ascribed to the Latin Church if the parents belong to that Church or, should one of them not belong to it, if both parents agree in choosing that the child be baptised in the Latin Church; but, if the agreement is lacking, the child is ascribed to the Church ‘sui iuris’, to which the father belongs.

§2. However, if only one parent is Catholic, the child is ascribed to the Church to which the Catholic parent belongs.

§3. Any candidate for baptism who has completed the fourteenth year of age may freely choose to be baptised either in the Latin Church or in another Church ‘sui iuris’; in which case the person is ascribed to the Church which he or she has chosen.
[revised wording according to m.p. De concordia inter Codices, 31.V.2016]
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