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The Sanctifying Function of the Church » The Sacraments » The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick » The celebration of the sacrament
Canon 1000. §1 The anointings are to be carried out accurately, with the words and in the order and manner prescribed in the liturgical books. In a case of necessity, however, a single anointing on the forehead, or even on another part of the body, is sufficient while the full formula is recited.

§2 The minister is to anoint with his own hand, unless a grave reason indicates the use of an instrument.

§1. Unctiones verbis, ordine et modo praescriptis in liturgicis libris, accurate peragantur; in casu tamen necessitatis, sufficit unctio unica in fronte vel etiam in alia corporis parte, integra formula prolata.

§2. Unctiones peragat minister propria manu, nisi gravis ratio usum instrumenti suadeat.
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