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The Sanctifying Function of the Church » The Sacraments » Orders » Those to be ordained » The prerequisites for ordination
Canon 1036. For a candidate to be promoted to the order of diaconate or priesthood, he must submit to the proper Bishop or to the competent major Superior a declaration written in his own hand and signed by him, in which he attests that he will spontaneously and freely receive the sacred order and will devote himself permanently to the ecclesiastical ministry, asking at the same time that he be admitted to receive the order.

Candidatus, ut ad ordinem diaconatus aut presbyteratus promoveri possit, Episcopo proprio aut Superiori maiori competenti declarationem tradat propria manu exaratam et subscriptam, qua testificetur se sponte ac libere sacrum ordinem suscepturum atque se ministerio ecclesiastico perpetuo mancipaturum esse, insimul petens ut ad ordinem recipiendum admittatur.
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