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Sanctions in the Church » Particular Offenses and the Penalties Established for Them » Offenses Against Human Life, Dignity, and Liberty
Canon 1398. §1 A cleric is to be punished with deprivation of office and with other just penalties, not excluding, where the case calls for it, dismissal from the clerical state, if he:

1° commits an offence against the sixth commandment of the Decalogue with a minor or with a person who habitually has an imperfect use of reason or with one to whom the law recognises equal protection;

2° grooms or induces a minor or a person who habitually has an imperfect use of reason or one to whom the law recognises equal protection to expose himself or herself pornographically or to take part in pornographic exhibitions, whether real or simulated;

3° immorally acquires, retains, exhibits or distributes, in whatever manner and by whatever technology, pornographic images of minors or of persons who habitually have an imperfect use of reason.

§2 A member of an institute of consecrated life or of a society of apostolic life, or any one of the faithful who enjoys a dignity or performs an office or function in the Church, who commits an offence mentioned in §1 or in can. 1395 §3 is to be punished according to the provision of can. 1336 §§2-4, with the addition of other penalties according to the gravity of the offence.

§1. Privatione officii et aliis iustis poenis, non exclusa dimissione e statu clericali, si casus id secumferat, puniatur clericus:

1° qui delictum committit contra sextum Decalogi praeceptum cum minore vel cum persona quae habitualiter usum imperfectum rationis habet vel cui ius parem tutelam agnoscit;

2° qui sibi devincit aut inducit minorem aut personam quae habitualiter usum imperfectum rationis habet aut eam cui ius parem tutelam agnoscit, ut pornographice sese ostendat vel exhibitiones pornographicas, sive veras sive simulatas, participet;

3° qui contra bonos mores sibi comparat, detinet, exhibet vel divulgat, quovis modo et quolibet instrumento, imagines pornographicas minorum vel personarum quae habitualiter usum imperfectum rationis habent.

§2. Sodalis instituti vitae consecratae vel societatis vitae apostolicae, et fidelis quilibet aliqua dignitate gaudens aut officio vel functione in Ecclesia fungens, si delictum committat de quo in§1 vel in can. 1395,§3, puniatur ad normam can. 1336, §§2-4, adiunctis quoque aliis poenis pro delicti gravitate.
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