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The People of God » The Christian Faithful » The Obligations and Rights of the Lay Christian Faithful
Canon 228. §1 Lay people who are found to be suitable are capable of being admitted by the sacred Pastors to those ecclesiastical offices and functions which, in accordance with the provisions of law, they can discharge.

§2 Lay people who are outstanding in the requisite knowledge, prudence and integrity, are capable of being experts or advisors, even in councils in accordance with the law, in order to provide assistance to the Pastors of the Church.
[NB see m.p. Antiquum ministerium, 10.V.2021]

§1. Laici qui idonei reperiantur, sunt habiles ut a sacris Pastoribus ad illa officia ecclesiastica et munera assumantur, quibus ipsi secundum iuris praescripta fungi valent.

§2. Laici debita scientia, prudentia et honestate praestantes, habiles sunt tamquam periti aut consiliarii, etiam in consiliis ad normam iuris, ad Ecclesiae Pastoribus adiutorium praebendum.
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