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The People of God » The Christian Faithful » Sacred Ministers or Clerics » The Formation of Clerics
Canon 246. §1 The celebration of the Eucharist is to be the centre of the whole life of the seminary, so that the students, participating in the very charity of Christ, may daily draw strength of soul for their apostolic labour and for their spiritual life particularly from this richest of sources.

§2 They are to be formed in the celebration of the liturgy of the hours, by which the ministers of God, in the name of the Church, intercede with Him for all the people entrusted to them, and indeed for the whole world.

§3 Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, including the rosary, mental prayer and other exercises of piety are to be fostered, so that the students may acquire the spirit of prayer and be strengthened in their vocation.

§4 The students are to become accustomed to approach the sacrament of penance frequently. It is recommended that each should have a director of his spiritual life, freely chosen, to whom he can trustfully reveal his conscience.

§5 Each year the students are to make a spiritual retreat.

§1. Celebratio Eucharistica centrum sit totius vitae seminarii, ita ut cotidie alumni, ipsam Christi caritatem participantes, animi robur pro apostolico labore et pro vita sua spirituali praesertim ex hoc ditissimo fonte hauriant.

§2. Efformentur ad celebrationem liturgiae horarum, qua Dei ministri, nomine Ecclesiae pro toto populo sibi commisso, immo pro universo mundo, Deum deprecantur.

§3. Foveantur cultus Beatae Mariae Virginis etiam per mariale rosarium, oratio mentalis aliaque pietatis exercitia, quibus alumni spiritum orationis acquirant atque vocationis suae robur consequantur.

§4. Ad sacramentum paenitentiae frequenter accedere assuescant alumni, et commendatur ut unusquisque habeat moderatorem suae vitae spiritualis libere quidem electum, cui confidenter conscientiam aperire possit.

§5. Singulis annis alumni exercitiis spiritualibus vacent.
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