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The People of God » The Hierarchical Constitution of the Church » Particular Churches and Their Groupings » The Internal Ordering of Particular Churches » Parishes, pastors, and parochial vicars
Canon 534. §1 When he has taken possession of his parish, the parish priest is bound on each Sunday and holyday of obligation in his diocese to apply the Mass for the people entrusted to him. If he is lawfully impeded from this celebration, he is to have someone else apply the Mass on these days or apply it himself on other days.

§2 A parish priest who has the care of several parishes is bound to apply only one
Mass on the days mentioned in §1, for all the people entrusted to him.

§3 A parish priest who has not discharged the obligations mentioned in §§1 and 2, is as soon as possible to apply for the people as many Masses as he has omitted.

§1. Parochus, post captam paroeciae possessionem, obligatione tenetur singulis diebus dominicis atque festis in sua dioecesi de praecepto Missam pro populo sibi commisso applicandi; qui vero ab hac celebratione legitime impediatur, iisdem diebus per alium aut aliis diebus per se ipse applicet.

§2. Parochus, qui plurium paroeciarum curam habet, diebus de quibus in §1, unam tantum Missam pro universo sibi commisso populo applicare tenetur.

§3. Parochus qui obligationi de qua in §§1 et 2 non satisfecerit, quam primum pro populo tot Missas applicet, quot omiserit.
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