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The People of God » Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life » Institutes of Consecrated Life » Norms Common to All Institutes of Consecrated Life
Canon 587. §1 To protect more faithfully the vocation and identity of each institute, the fundamental code or constitutions of the institute are to contain, in addition to those elements which are to be preserved in accordance with can. 578, basic norms about the governance of the institute, the discipline of the members, the admission and formation of members, and the proper object of their sacred bonds.

§2 This code is approved by the competent ecclesiastical authority, and can be changed only with the consent of the same.

§3 In the constitutions, the spiritual and juridical elements are to be aptly harmonised. Norms, however, are not to be multiplied without necessity.

§4 Other norms which are established by the competent authority of the institute are to be properly collected in other codes, but these can be conveniently reviewed and adapted according to the needs of time and place.

§1. Ad propriam singulorum institutorum vocationem et identitatem fidelius tuendam, in cuiusvis instituti codice fundamentali seu constitutionibus contineri debent, praeter ea quae in can. 578 servanda statuuntur, normae fundamentales circa instituti regimen et sodalium disciplinam, membrorum incorporationem atque institutionem, necnon proprium sacrorum ligaminum obiectum.

§2. Codex huiusmodi a competenti auctoritate Ecclesiae approbatur et tantummodo cum eiusdem consensu mutari potest.

§3. In hoc codice elementa spiritualia et iuridica apte componantur; normae tamen absque necessitate ne multiplicentur.

§4. Ceterae normae a competenti instituti auctoritate statutae apte in aliis codicibus colligantur, quae tamen iuxta exigentias locorum et temporum congrue recognosci et aptari possunt.
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