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Processes » The Contentious Trial » The Ordinary Contentious Trial » Judicial Expenses and Gratuitous Legal Assistance
Canon 1649. §1 The Bishop who is responsible for governing the tribunal is to establish norms concerning:

1° declarations that parties are liable for the payment or reimbursement of judicial expenses;

2° the honorariums for advocates, experts and interpreters, and the expenses of witnesses;

3° the granting of free legal aid and the reduction of expenses;

4° the payment of damages owed by a person who not merely lost the case, but was rash in having recourse to litigation;

5° the money to be deposited, or the guarantee to be given, for the payment of expenses and the compensation of damages.

§2 No distinct appeal exists from a pronouncement concerning expenses, honorariums and damages. The parties can, however, have recourse within ten days to the same judge, who can change the sum involved.

§1. Episcopus, cuius est tribunal moderari, statuat normas:

1° de partibus damnandis ad expensas iudiciales solvendas vel compensandas;

2° de procuratorum, advocatorum, peritorum et interpretum honorariis deque testium indemnitate;

3° de gratuito patrocinio vel expensarum deminutione concedendis;

4° de damnorum refectione quae debetur ab eo qui non solum in iudicio succubuit, sed temere litigavit;

5° de pecuniae deposito vel cautione praestanda circa expensas solvendas et damna reficienda.

§2. A pronuntiatione circa expensas, honoraria et damna reficienda non datur distincta appellatio, sed pars recurrere potest intra quindecim dies ad eundem iudicem, qui poterit taxationem emendare.
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